Hemorrhoids Home Treatments
- Hydrocortisone is a type of anti-pruritic (anti-itch) cream. It can be bought over the counter in a one percent cream. It is best to clean the affected area prior to application. You can use warm soap and water to cleanse the area, and then allow the area to dry completely. Applying a small amount of hydrocortisone to the affected area can help alleviate the itching associated with hemorrhoids.
- According to the Mayo Clinic, you should use topical treatments, such as witch hazel. Witch hazel helps to reduce discomfort and swelling associated with hemorrhoids. Witch hazel can be bought in either oil or pad form. The oil can be purchased at places such as Whole Foods, while the pads can be bought at your local supermarkets. You should clean the affected area prior to application. Witch hazel pads can soothe the area after having a painful bowel movement, which may be preferable with hemorrhoid treatment.
- Constipation is a big culprit in the onset of hemorrhoids. When you try to have a bowel movement when constipated, the forcing pressure upon the anus can cause veins to become inflamed. By increasing fiber in your diet, you can soften your stools, which can make for easier bowel movements. Simple foods such as apricots, prunes, peaches and grapes can add enough fiber in your diet to help make a difference.
- You should bathe regularly, at least once a day. Clean the affected area with warm water. Soap doesn't need to be used daily, especially if it's scented. Non-scented soaps such as Cetaphil work well. Once you are done bathing, gently pat the area dry, and never rub, as this can aggravate your hemorrhoids. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can also use a hair dryer to help dry the affected area after bathing.
- Taking a warm bath can help alleviate swelling and pain from your hemorrhoids. Cold compresses on the affected area can also help. Using baby wipes after a bowel movement is also better on your hemorrhoids rather than toilet paper. Toilet paper is dry and can be aggravating to your already painful skin. Tylenol or ibuprofen can help with pain as well.
Witch Hazel
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