How to Grow Lingzhi
- To properly grow Lingzhi, you must live where the mean temperature is around 80 degrees F
Lingzhi are mushrooms that originated in China and are used for their healing properties. There is a small window of temperature that can sustain the lingzhi mushroom, so most are grown artificially. Taiwan-based says the ideal place for a lingzhi farm is in an area with plenty of sunlight, with a humid, temperate climate. They generally grow best at temperatures between 64 to 86 degrees F, and at a humidity of from 85 to 95 percent. Since too much or too little light may affect the lingzhi's growth, light distribution must be even. Also, lingzhi cannot be grown where there are high concentrations of carbon dioxide.
Lingzhi is not grown outdoors in the United States, but many countries with moderately-temperate climates and high levels of humidity (such as the southeastern United States) grow them indoors, under artificial conditions. - suggests that you first must fill heat-resistant bags with the soil you're going to be growing the lingzhi in. For optimum mushroom growth, mix together 3 cups of potting soil, 1 cup of vermiculite and add a light sprinkling of coffee beans. Fill the bags and place cotton fabric on the top before sealing them completely. Heat the bags to sterilize them. This can be done in a conventional oven on 375 degrees F for 20 minutes.
Dig out plots of land that you can keep at a constant temperature of 70 to 85 degrees F, preferably in an indoor, greenhouse-type structure. Cool the bags and then spread the bags of soil out in your garden. Plant the mushrooms, spacing them 12 inches apart. Let them grow for about 10 to 12 weeks, checking and watering them every day.
The end result should be mushrooms that are a bit tougher and harder than normal mushrooms and are the size of an adult hand. Thinly slice the lingzhi, boil for two hours and drink the liquid. It may seem bitter at first.
The Environment
How To Grow