Think Your Family Doesn"t Need Health Insurance? Think Again!
It is most people's dream to get their family a great house with a cute garden and a large backyard.
It is also their dream to buy a great car and other luxuries for their family.
And no doubt, they want to send their kids to the best colleges and put away a little something as a wedding gift too.
In short, when it comes to our family, we want the best, period.
However, does this attitude also extend to family health insurance? It's surprising, in a society where we aren't okay with our children wearing hand-me-downs or borrowing toys from their peers, we think little or nothing of leaving their health to whatever benefits the NHS may entitle them to.
This is not to question the standard of the NHS - which, no doubt, does a great service to many a citizen.
However, it does question the mentality of believing the NHS is 'the best' form of family health insurance.
Is that really doing enough to protect them? The NHS is a plan meant to safeguard the interests of the masses, therefore, it is limited to 'providing' for all UK residents, but not 'providing the best' to everyone.
After all, it is a plan that's used by everyone, and supported only by the tax-paying few.
Mathematically, that's not exactly a strong equation.
NHS entitles your family to family health insurance benefits as it does ALL the other families in the UK.
Now, where does your family figure in the equation? Unfortunately, the chances of a member falling seriously ill, or being grievously injured are not very slim.
And when your loved one is in so much pain, wouldn't you want to ensure that they are as comfortable as possible? For instance, wouldn't you prefer your wife have a room all to herself when she's about to give birth to your first child? Or god forbid your young son breaks an arm falling out of a tree and has to spend the night at the hospital, wouldn't you rather make a quick arrangement for an extra so that you could be with him too? And what if you could arrange for you ailing mother to have her own suite, with ensuite bathroom and a personal nurse through the day while she recuperates from chemo? All of this, at a hospital of your choice, with a doctor you choose.
The sad part is that a lot of families that can actually afford to choose from these options; still choose to stick to whatever the NHS chooses for them, when instead they could have purchased family medical insurance and given all these comforts to their family at a much lesser cost.
Even sadder is the fact that family medical insurance would have opened up a lot of these options for families who cannot afford them and thus HAVE to rely on NHS.
The truth is, NHS is just not enough.
Family medical insurance expands the benefits of the NHS by giving you and your family more choices in less time.
And it is not expensive or complicated to purchase.
All you need is a website that provides comparative quotes from a number of providers that have policies tailored to your needs.
You can just fill up a simple form and wait for providers to contact you themselves.
That's all the effort it takes to protect your family, and your peace of mind.
It is also their dream to buy a great car and other luxuries for their family.
And no doubt, they want to send their kids to the best colleges and put away a little something as a wedding gift too.
In short, when it comes to our family, we want the best, period.
However, does this attitude also extend to family health insurance? It's surprising, in a society where we aren't okay with our children wearing hand-me-downs or borrowing toys from their peers, we think little or nothing of leaving their health to whatever benefits the NHS may entitle them to.
This is not to question the standard of the NHS - which, no doubt, does a great service to many a citizen.
However, it does question the mentality of believing the NHS is 'the best' form of family health insurance.
Is that really doing enough to protect them? The NHS is a plan meant to safeguard the interests of the masses, therefore, it is limited to 'providing' for all UK residents, but not 'providing the best' to everyone.
After all, it is a plan that's used by everyone, and supported only by the tax-paying few.
Mathematically, that's not exactly a strong equation.
NHS entitles your family to family health insurance benefits as it does ALL the other families in the UK.
Now, where does your family figure in the equation? Unfortunately, the chances of a member falling seriously ill, or being grievously injured are not very slim.
And when your loved one is in so much pain, wouldn't you want to ensure that they are as comfortable as possible? For instance, wouldn't you prefer your wife have a room all to herself when she's about to give birth to your first child? Or god forbid your young son breaks an arm falling out of a tree and has to spend the night at the hospital, wouldn't you rather make a quick arrangement for an extra so that you could be with him too? And what if you could arrange for you ailing mother to have her own suite, with ensuite bathroom and a personal nurse through the day while she recuperates from chemo? All of this, at a hospital of your choice, with a doctor you choose.
The sad part is that a lot of families that can actually afford to choose from these options; still choose to stick to whatever the NHS chooses for them, when instead they could have purchased family medical insurance and given all these comforts to their family at a much lesser cost.
Even sadder is the fact that family medical insurance would have opened up a lot of these options for families who cannot afford them and thus HAVE to rely on NHS.
The truth is, NHS is just not enough.
Family medical insurance expands the benefits of the NHS by giving you and your family more choices in less time.
And it is not expensive or complicated to purchase.
All you need is a website that provides comparative quotes from a number of providers that have policies tailored to your needs.
You can just fill up a simple form and wait for providers to contact you themselves.
That's all the effort it takes to protect your family, and your peace of mind.