Helpful Tips That Can Lower Your Family"s Health Insurance Premiums
The number of families without health insurance in the United States has nearly reached epidemic proportions.
Unlike our parents, who were able to receive health insurance through their employers, our generation doesn't have that luxury nearly as often because most employers now simply cannot afford to provide it.
This means that individuals and families are forced to either try to purchase insurance through a private source, such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, possibly qualify for State assistance, if they happen to meet eligibility requirements or simply risk having no health care coverage at all.
There are some ways that people may be able to lower their insurance premiums.
The best way to do this is to begin by getting a free health insurance quote, either online or by calling an agent.
Online is faster because you can cover a lot of ground in a short period of time.
You'll be able to lower your monthly payments (premiums) by raising the amount of your deductible.
You pay the deductible costs out of pocket up to a maximum amount per year.
These deductible amounts are set at different levels.
Example, $250.
00, $500.
00, $1,000.
00, $2,500.
00, $5,000.
00, etc.
The higher the deductible amount is set, the lower your monthly payment will be.
This means that you will have to pay the deductible amount out of pocket before the insurance coverage "kicks in".
An example would be as follows.
A family of four has an annual deductible of $1,000.
They all visit the doctor for an annual check-up that costs $150.
00 each.
This totals $600.
00 and does not exceed the $1,000.
00 deductible, therefore it must be paid for out of pocket.
However, let's say that one of the children has an accident at school and breaks their arm.
In this unfortunate event, they would have hospital expenses that would exceed the remaining $400.
00 that is unpaid on their deductible, therefore they would generally only have to pay an additional $400.
00 out of pocket and the insurance would pay the remaining costs.
There may be other smaller costs that the policy may not provide for such as ambulance services, prescription drugs, etc.
, but the majority of the hospital care would generally be covered.
Unlike our parents, who were able to receive health insurance through their employers, our generation doesn't have that luxury nearly as often because most employers now simply cannot afford to provide it.
This means that individuals and families are forced to either try to purchase insurance through a private source, such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, possibly qualify for State assistance, if they happen to meet eligibility requirements or simply risk having no health care coverage at all.
There are some ways that people may be able to lower their insurance premiums.
The best way to do this is to begin by getting a free health insurance quote, either online or by calling an agent.
Online is faster because you can cover a lot of ground in a short period of time.
You'll be able to lower your monthly payments (premiums) by raising the amount of your deductible.
You pay the deductible costs out of pocket up to a maximum amount per year.
These deductible amounts are set at different levels.
Example, $250.
00, $500.
00, $1,000.
00, $2,500.
00, $5,000.
00, etc.
The higher the deductible amount is set, the lower your monthly payment will be.
This means that you will have to pay the deductible amount out of pocket before the insurance coverage "kicks in".
An example would be as follows.
A family of four has an annual deductible of $1,000.
They all visit the doctor for an annual check-up that costs $150.
00 each.
This totals $600.
00 and does not exceed the $1,000.
00 deductible, therefore it must be paid for out of pocket.
However, let's say that one of the children has an accident at school and breaks their arm.
In this unfortunate event, they would have hospital expenses that would exceed the remaining $400.
00 that is unpaid on their deductible, therefore they would generally only have to pay an additional $400.
00 out of pocket and the insurance would pay the remaining costs.
There may be other smaller costs that the policy may not provide for such as ambulance services, prescription drugs, etc.
, but the majority of the hospital care would generally be covered.