How Do I Change the Scan Save Location on an HP 4480?
- 1). Start HP Solution Center, either using the icon in the system tray (lower-right corner of your screen) or by clicking on "Start," "All Programs," "HP" and "HP Solution Center." From the home screen of the HP Solution Center, choose the “Settings” option.
- 2). Select “Scan Settings.” This will give you a pop-up menu, from which you can select either “Scan Picture Settings” or “Scan Document Settings.” The option you choose from this menu will correspond to the button you will press when you wish to begin a scan. Choose the option for which you want to change the default save location.
- 3). Make sure that the “Prompt for settings at time of scan” box is checked.
- 4). Click “Home” and then choose an option to begin scanning, either “Scan Picture” or “Scan Document.” The "Scanning from..." screen will pop up, and on the left of this screen you will see the "Scan Shortcuts" menu.
- 5). Choose the appropriate option under the "Scan Shortcuts" menu (corresponding to the option you chose in Step 2), then click the "Save to File Save Options" button. From this screen, you can set the file save configuration to your liking, including setting the default location to save your newly scanned file.