The Truth About Conventional Acne Medications
It's the first route that acne sufferers take to cure their acne, but do conventional acne medications work, what are their side effects and what other acne treatments are there? If you have suffered from acne it is likely that you've been to a doctor to get something to treat it with.
Chances are you were prescribed something called Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) to put onto your acne, and chances are your skin dried out badly and your acne over the weeks never got better, and perhaps got worse! This is exactly what happened to me over ten years ago when I first got acne, and it's a common experience for most acne sufferers.
In truth BP is an extremely ineffective acne treatment and should be avoided because natural acne treatments exist that 1) actually work, and 2) do not cause side effects (remember how the BP dries out the skin?) So after the failed use of BP I went back to my doctor and was prescribed oral antibiotics, in addition to topical antibiotics.
And these were a miracle! They completely cleared up my acne...
at least for a few weeks.
After that my acne came back worse than ever! This was a disaster and I asked my doctor why it was now worse and he said it was just a coincidence that my acne was becoming worse and had nothing to do with the antibiotics.
I later found out that this was a lie.
Anyway, this doctor put me on another type of antibiotic and my skin was still getting worse, so after a few months of antibiotic use he put me on accutane...
Now accutane is a heavy duty drug and is supposed to be 'the answer' to severe acne.
So I went on a course of acctuane for 5 months and after the 5 months were up my acne hadn't got any better at all, but my skin was extremely dry and had become what I can only describe as being like goose flesh.
It was completely gross.
Yet 1 month after finishing accutane my skin started to clear up and within a few weeks my acne was completely gone.
But just like the original antibiotics my acne came back, and after 3 weeks of clear acne-free skin it went back to being acne-infested skin.
At that point I gave up on my doctor.
He had failed me.
And I started to look at alternative acne treatments.
It wasn't until I found out about some natural treatment that my acne cleared up quickly and permanently.
For example, did you know that vegetable oil is a major cause of acne? When I cut it out of my diet my acne dramatically cleared up.
To find out more about how I completely cleared my acne then visit my free website now for the details.
Chances are you were prescribed something called Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) to put onto your acne, and chances are your skin dried out badly and your acne over the weeks never got better, and perhaps got worse! This is exactly what happened to me over ten years ago when I first got acne, and it's a common experience for most acne sufferers.
In truth BP is an extremely ineffective acne treatment and should be avoided because natural acne treatments exist that 1) actually work, and 2) do not cause side effects (remember how the BP dries out the skin?) So after the failed use of BP I went back to my doctor and was prescribed oral antibiotics, in addition to topical antibiotics.
And these were a miracle! They completely cleared up my acne...
at least for a few weeks.
After that my acne came back worse than ever! This was a disaster and I asked my doctor why it was now worse and he said it was just a coincidence that my acne was becoming worse and had nothing to do with the antibiotics.
I later found out that this was a lie.
Anyway, this doctor put me on another type of antibiotic and my skin was still getting worse, so after a few months of antibiotic use he put me on accutane...
Now accutane is a heavy duty drug and is supposed to be 'the answer' to severe acne.
So I went on a course of acctuane for 5 months and after the 5 months were up my acne hadn't got any better at all, but my skin was extremely dry and had become what I can only describe as being like goose flesh.
It was completely gross.
Yet 1 month after finishing accutane my skin started to clear up and within a few weeks my acne was completely gone.
But just like the original antibiotics my acne came back, and after 3 weeks of clear acne-free skin it went back to being acne-infested skin.
At that point I gave up on my doctor.
He had failed me.
And I started to look at alternative acne treatments.
It wasn't until I found out about some natural treatment that my acne cleared up quickly and permanently.
For example, did you know that vegetable oil is a major cause of acne? When I cut it out of my diet my acne dramatically cleared up.
To find out more about how I completely cleared my acne then visit my free website now for the details.