How to Make a Pumpkin From Recycled Textiles
- 1). Cut two 9-by-14-inch pieces of your chosen recycled textile for the pumpkin.
- 2). Place the two 9-by-14-inch pieces together with the right sides facing, and pin. Sew a 1/4-inch seam allowance on two 14-inch sides and one 9-inch side for the bottom.
- 3). Match the bottom 9-inch seam with a side 14-inch seam and sew across, creating a 3 1/2-inch boxed bottom. Repeat for the opposite bottom seam and opposite side. Trim off the triangles in the corners and turn the pumpkin bag right side out.
- 4). Cut scraps of batting left over from other projects for the stuffing. Lay the batting on a cutting mat and run a rotary cutter back and forth over the batting to create small bits.
- 5). Fill the recycled textile pumpkin bag firmly with the cut bits of batting. Leave 3 inches unstuffed.
- 6). Sew a running stitch using the crochet thread and tapestry needle, 1 1/2 inches below the top edge of the pumpkin bag. Insert the stem stick. Gather the top of the pumpkin bag around the stem and finish off the crochet thread with a knot.
- 7). Trace a star on a scrap of old quilt and cut out.
- 8). Brew a cup of tea. Saturate the recycled lace trim and the star in the tea. Wring out and allow the lace and star to dry.
- 9). Tie a bundle of raffia and the tea-dyed recycled lace trim around the stem of the pumpkin, covering the crochet thread gathers.
- 10
Apply craft glue to the back of the tea-dyed star and place it on the front and center of the recycled textile pumpkin.