Lawn Care
Free lawn care secrets.
Did you know the main ingredient for proper lawn care is water!Yes without water your lawn will suffer.
But did you also know that too much water will turn your lawn yellow? Why?Because water will eventually leach out the nutrients from the soil.
So what can you do to combat this situation?Fertilize your lawn at least 3 times per year, perferably once in the the early spring, once in mid summer and again in early fall.
To get even better looking lawn try it once per month starting in March and continue until about mid October.
Always use a good lawn type fertilizer and use a good lawn spreader.
You should also aerate your lawn at least once per year.
If you have clayish or hard type soil you should do it at least twice per year.
Avoid aerating too often as this will help weed seeds to germinate.
Dethatching is to remove old dead grass leaves and other debris that hinders growth.
This should be done during the early spring and be sure to use a good lawn dethacher or hard rake.
If you have a large lawn you may have to hire a good maintenance landscaping company.
Avoid your neighbors kid trying to make a few extra dollars.
Many more free gardening tips at: http://www.
htm Watering - Always follow city water restrictions when watering.
If you have bermuda type grass you can generally water 2-3 times per week about 15-20 minutes on a sprinkler system.
If you have all season type grass such as Kentucky blue grass or fescue I recommend at least every day at 20-30 minuteson a sprinkler system if water restrictions are allowed.
Grubs - These ugly type worms that get under the surface of the grass and devour your lawns root system.
Once that happens the grass has no way of getting water or nutrients to the blades.
You need to get rid of them asap.
If you have brown spots in your lawn you may have these worms.
Dig around the brown spot area about 2-4 inches down.
These worms are large about the size of a large thumb with an ugly brown head.
Use a good grub conrtol type of pesticide perferably in a granular type form.
Trichlorfon is also an effective pesticide for grubs be sure to read labels before applying.
There you have it some good easy lawn care secrets.
Article by Paul Guzman
Did you know the main ingredient for proper lawn care is water!Yes without water your lawn will suffer.
But did you also know that too much water will turn your lawn yellow? Why?Because water will eventually leach out the nutrients from the soil.
So what can you do to combat this situation?Fertilize your lawn at least 3 times per year, perferably once in the the early spring, once in mid summer and again in early fall.
To get even better looking lawn try it once per month starting in March and continue until about mid October.
Always use a good lawn type fertilizer and use a good lawn spreader.
You should also aerate your lawn at least once per year.
If you have clayish or hard type soil you should do it at least twice per year.
Avoid aerating too often as this will help weed seeds to germinate.
Dethatching is to remove old dead grass leaves and other debris that hinders growth.
This should be done during the early spring and be sure to use a good lawn dethacher or hard rake.
If you have a large lawn you may have to hire a good maintenance landscaping company.
Avoid your neighbors kid trying to make a few extra dollars.
Many more free gardening tips at: http://www.
htm Watering - Always follow city water restrictions when watering.
If you have bermuda type grass you can generally water 2-3 times per week about 15-20 minutes on a sprinkler system.
If you have all season type grass such as Kentucky blue grass or fescue I recommend at least every day at 20-30 minuteson a sprinkler system if water restrictions are allowed.
Grubs - These ugly type worms that get under the surface of the grass and devour your lawns root system.
Once that happens the grass has no way of getting water or nutrients to the blades.
You need to get rid of them asap.
If you have brown spots in your lawn you may have these worms.
Dig around the brown spot area about 2-4 inches down.
These worms are large about the size of a large thumb with an ugly brown head.
Use a good grub conrtol type of pesticide perferably in a granular type form.
Trichlorfon is also an effective pesticide for grubs be sure to read labels before applying.
There you have it some good easy lawn care secrets.
Article by Paul Guzman