How to Paint Rod Guides
- 1). Lay several sheets of newspaper down, spread out on a large work surface in your home or work shop to protect the surface from automotive paint which will not wash off. Set your fishing pole down on the newspaper so the rod guides are facing upward.
- 2). Sand all old paint, rust, and such off of the rod guides using a piece of fine-grit sandpaper. Sand until you have reached the bare metal surface of each rod guide to ensure that the new paint will adhere properly and will be long lasting. Dust the guides off with a soft cloth to remove dust caused from sanding which could become trapped under the paint when it is applied.
- 3). Prop the fishing pole in place using 4 wood blocks -- 2 blocks on each end of the pole. Place one block on each side of the pole, so the pole is between the blocks being held in place. Do this on each end of the pole, to prevent slipping, turning or otherwise moving while you are painting.
- 4). Wrap a piece of Painter's tape around the pole around each of the rod guides. Cover all exposed parts of the fishing pole within 1 inch of each side of the rod guide to prevent any paint from getting on the surface of your fishing pole.
- 5). Open a small can of automotive paint, made especially for metal. Stir the paint using a small paint stir stick, then pour a small amount of the paint into a small paint tray. Find a small paint brush, an artist's type paint of brush, not a home improvement type. Dip the brush into the paint and use it to paint each of the guides, painting the front side and the back side of each guide as the are uprightly exposed the way the fishing pole is propped. Allow the first coat of paint 20 minutes to dry.
- 6). Apply a second coat of the automotive, made for metal paint to the rod guides to ensure the paint will cover brightly, evenly, leaving an attractive and durable finish that will not peel or chip away. Allow the paint on the guides to dry for 1 to 2 hours, then remove the Painter's tape.