How to tell the right story about your business through your website?
Many people are shocked to find out that their website tells the story of their business. The truth is it absolutely does. If you think about a website as a book, the home page is the glossy cover and back. The cover and back provide you with just enough information to decide if you want to go any further. A visitor will look at your home page to see if they want to explore the website in more detail. If the story of your company is appealing, then the visitor will click on the navigation tools that will guide them through the pages of your small business website. The same is true if you own a large corporation. Your company's story should entice, inform, and encourage exploration. That may be easy to do with someone in person or on the phone, but how do you get a website to do this.
Before your small business website or any professional web design can tell the story of your company, you must understand it and know what is important to visitors. For instance, if you are a business with a Los Angeles professional web design, your story might be how you provide manicures to the A-list movie stars. Let's face it, this is a story that will get visitors to your site interested in learning more. This doesn't mean you have to divulge information, but the teaser might get people looking for more details. Of course, not every web design in Los Angeles or New York will be touting the services provided to movie and rock stars. So you have to determine, what your business story is, and what makes you special.
Once you have your story down, how do you tell it so the message is given correctly. A professional web design will use color, navigation tools, graphics, and even video to portray your enterprise. What one company needs might detract from another, so don't add graphics or video just to look flashy. If it is vital to your story, then pictures, video, and even music might be an important addition. For instance, a small business website for a photographer should obviously incorporate photographs to showcase his or her work. However, a lawyer's site might be hurt by photographs because visitors might find it unprofessional and distracting. The reality is that flashy websites with lots of music and video are not effective. More visitors are using mobile devices to access the web, so large websites will prevent people from viewing your small business website at all.
One of the most important points of telling your story is navigation. If a visitor comes to your site and cannot find his or her way around, it will not matter that you have a professional web design. He or she will leave in a matter of seconds. If individuals do not understand the reason behind the site, such as your service or product, they will flee without looking back. Therefore, it is a misconception that being coy about what you are offering will get people to investigate your site. It will not. Offer information that will inform and answer questions about your products or services. For information on web design rates please contact Incion.
Before your small business website or any professional web design can tell the story of your company, you must understand it and know what is important to visitors. For instance, if you are a business with a Los Angeles professional web design, your story might be how you provide manicures to the A-list movie stars. Let's face it, this is a story that will get visitors to your site interested in learning more. This doesn't mean you have to divulge information, but the teaser might get people looking for more details. Of course, not every web design in Los Angeles or New York will be touting the services provided to movie and rock stars. So you have to determine, what your business story is, and what makes you special.
Once you have your story down, how do you tell it so the message is given correctly. A professional web design will use color, navigation tools, graphics, and even video to portray your enterprise. What one company needs might detract from another, so don't add graphics or video just to look flashy. If it is vital to your story, then pictures, video, and even music might be an important addition. For instance, a small business website for a photographer should obviously incorporate photographs to showcase his or her work. However, a lawyer's site might be hurt by photographs because visitors might find it unprofessional and distracting. The reality is that flashy websites with lots of music and video are not effective. More visitors are using mobile devices to access the web, so large websites will prevent people from viewing your small business website at all.
One of the most important points of telling your story is navigation. If a visitor comes to your site and cannot find his or her way around, it will not matter that you have a professional web design. He or she will leave in a matter of seconds. If individuals do not understand the reason behind the site, such as your service or product, they will flee without looking back. Therefore, it is a misconception that being coy about what you are offering will get people to investigate your site. It will not. Offer information that will inform and answer questions about your products or services. For information on web design rates please contact Incion.