Control Your Search by Excluding Elements in Search Queries
Using the subtraction symbol, you can exclude specific terms that you don't want search engines to find. Here's an example (notice the quotes around the phrase "cheese sandwich"? You're telling the search engine that you want results for exactly those two words, in exactly that order. Find more information in this article: Looking for a Specific Phrase? Use Quotation Marks):
"cheese sandwich"
However, you get lots of results that include the word "grilled." Simply do this:
"cheese sandwich"-grilled
You can also choose to use the word NOT instead of the minus symbol, if you prefer:
"cheese sandwich" NOT grilled
Ta da! Now you have lots of recipes for steak and cheese sandwiches, frozen cheese sandwiches, etc. Both of these tips work in every major search engine, and are part of what is commonly referred to as Boolean search, simple methods to make your searches a little bit more powerful.
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