Why Penis Pills Fail - What You Can Use Instead to See 3 Inch Gains
Penis pills have long been the most popular product on the market for causing penis enlargement.
Therein lies a problem; pills have been proved to not work.
Guys are taking a look at the market and are spending a fortune on something that doesn't help them in any way at all.
But why don't they work? In this article I'm going to be looking at the problems with pills and suggesting an alternative that worked for me...
Pills fail because the science behind them is wrong.
They contain certain herbs, such as horny goat weed, which cause you to feel more sexually excitable.
They don't, however, cause growth.
While the pill manufacturers claim that ingredients such as L-arginine cause growth this is a lie.
Arginine and others cause the blood to flow better around your body.
This means that you experience harder erections.
When you add horny goat weed, or damantia, or other herbs to the mix then you feel more horny as well.
That doesn't lead to growth.
Growth is caused by something far more difficult to get into the body in pill form.
In fact, scientists agree for the most part that pills can't increase hormone levels of hGH or DHT.
Those two biochemicals cause growth.
But be warned - if you don't use a trusted guide then they too will do nothing for you.
Natural enlargement systems are now emerging and they're causing growth in men like you or I.
I used one to make my penis bigger.
Throw the pills away, they're a scam and they've even been condemned by the FDA.
Be careful, good luck and happy penis growing!
Therein lies a problem; pills have been proved to not work.
Guys are taking a look at the market and are spending a fortune on something that doesn't help them in any way at all.
But why don't they work? In this article I'm going to be looking at the problems with pills and suggesting an alternative that worked for me...
Pills fail because the science behind them is wrong.
They contain certain herbs, such as horny goat weed, which cause you to feel more sexually excitable.
They don't, however, cause growth.
While the pill manufacturers claim that ingredients such as L-arginine cause growth this is a lie.
Arginine and others cause the blood to flow better around your body.
This means that you experience harder erections.
When you add horny goat weed, or damantia, or other herbs to the mix then you feel more horny as well.
That doesn't lead to growth.
Growth is caused by something far more difficult to get into the body in pill form.
In fact, scientists agree for the most part that pills can't increase hormone levels of hGH or DHT.
Those two biochemicals cause growth.
But be warned - if you don't use a trusted guide then they too will do nothing for you.
Natural enlargement systems are now emerging and they're causing growth in men like you or I.
I used one to make my penis bigger.
Throw the pills away, they're a scam and they've even been condemned by the FDA.
Be careful, good luck and happy penis growing!