Unexplained Infertility (Pt 1) Moving Beyond the Medical Model to Explain Unexplained Infertility
Unexplained Infertility Diagnosed Getting pregnant and staying pregnant can consume your whole life when you really want to have your own baby now.
In spite of the fact that each of us comes from a very long line of successful pregnancies, many women today are finding it difficult to conceive or enjoy a pregnancy until the safe birth of their baby.
Indeed, according to Hart (2003) in the British Medical Journal, up to 25% of patients who present for investigation in a reproductive medicine clinic are diagnosed with unexplained infertility (UI).
He explains that UI is a diagnosis of exclusion.
When no other reason for not being able to become pregnant or stay pregnant can be found, unexplained infertility is the diagnosis one receives.
Webster's dictionary defines 'Unexplained' as (1) not explained or (2) having the reason or cause not made clear.
So a diagnosis of unexplained infertility just means that the' why' you are not getting pregnant or staying pregnant is not clear.
Not clear, that is, to the people you are asking (in this instance medical doctors).
Not clear within the framework they are using.
Not clear, then, through the lens of the medical model.
Unexplained Infertility and the Medical Model The medical model is an approach to pathology that aims to find medical treatments for diagnosed symptoms and syndromes and treats the human body as a very complex mechanism.
The medical model emphasises anatomical, physiological and biochemical malfunction as the causes of ill health and by doing so encourages a disease-orientated approach to the patient (Jefferey).
Why Is Unexplained Infertility Unexplained? The medical model, while very useful, is just not adequate for understanding what is really happening for couples who are experiencing challenges becoming pregnant or seeing a healthy pregnancy through to a full term birth without any obvious physical, anatomical or biochemical cause.
The truth is that the reason why unexplained infertility is unexplained is because the causes lie beyond the scope of the medical model.
But instead of saying 'we don't know or understand why you are not conceiving or keeping your baby until full term', men and women trying to get pregnant and stay pregnant are handed this diagnosis.
Could there be a cause or explanation that standard or even specialized medical or surgical procedures and test are just not able to detect? Of course.
Is there another way to explain unexplained infertility? Absolutely yes.
Understanding Vibrational Fertility ™, a term I have coined to help bring clarity to this topic, is the first step.
In spite of the fact that each of us comes from a very long line of successful pregnancies, many women today are finding it difficult to conceive or enjoy a pregnancy until the safe birth of their baby.
Indeed, according to Hart (2003) in the British Medical Journal, up to 25% of patients who present for investigation in a reproductive medicine clinic are diagnosed with unexplained infertility (UI).
He explains that UI is a diagnosis of exclusion.
When no other reason for not being able to become pregnant or stay pregnant can be found, unexplained infertility is the diagnosis one receives.
Webster's dictionary defines 'Unexplained' as (1) not explained or (2) having the reason or cause not made clear.
So a diagnosis of unexplained infertility just means that the' why' you are not getting pregnant or staying pregnant is not clear.
Not clear, that is, to the people you are asking (in this instance medical doctors).
Not clear within the framework they are using.
Not clear, then, through the lens of the medical model.
Unexplained Infertility and the Medical Model The medical model is an approach to pathology that aims to find medical treatments for diagnosed symptoms and syndromes and treats the human body as a very complex mechanism.
The medical model emphasises anatomical, physiological and biochemical malfunction as the causes of ill health and by doing so encourages a disease-orientated approach to the patient (Jefferey).
Why Is Unexplained Infertility Unexplained? The medical model, while very useful, is just not adequate for understanding what is really happening for couples who are experiencing challenges becoming pregnant or seeing a healthy pregnancy through to a full term birth without any obvious physical, anatomical or biochemical cause.
The truth is that the reason why unexplained infertility is unexplained is because the causes lie beyond the scope of the medical model.
But instead of saying 'we don't know or understand why you are not conceiving or keeping your baby until full term', men and women trying to get pregnant and stay pregnant are handed this diagnosis.
Could there be a cause or explanation that standard or even specialized medical or surgical procedures and test are just not able to detect? Of course.
Is there another way to explain unexplained infertility? Absolutely yes.
Understanding Vibrational Fertility ™, a term I have coined to help bring clarity to this topic, is the first step.