How to Replace Battery Cables on an Acura Integra
- 1). Find the battery in front of the passenger side, close up against the car wall. The cables are top-mounted on the Acura Integra and easy to reach.
- 2). Loosen the bolt on the black negative battery cable first with a box wrench or cable clamp pliers. The negative cable has a minus sign on it. Wiggle the cable end off the post. If it won't budge, tap it gently with a small hammer, making sure you don't damage the battery in the process.
- 3). Repeat the process on the positive cable. Make sure to take off both cables from the battery, even if you're replacing only one.
- 4). Follow the negative cable to where it is connected to the metal on the wall of the Acura body. Remove the end of the cable with the wrench.
- 5). Track the positive cable to its connection on the starter solenoid in front of the battery and toward the center of the car. Remove it with the wrench.
- 6). Clean the posts with a small wire brush or cable cleaner and wipe clean with a dry cloth.
- 7). Attach the new red positive cable first, reversing the process in Step 5. Reattach the negative cable and start the car to ensure the connections are working on the Integra.