Can I Hook Up More Than One Computer With a Single Verizon Fios Internet Service?
- Use an Ethernet cable to connect the other computer to any available Ethernet port on the back of your Verizon FiOS’s cable modem/router. The other computer will automatically detect the Ethernet connection and activate its Ethernet network adapter card. The Ethernet light on the front of the cable modem/router that corresponds with the port the Ethernet cable is connected to will glow green, indicating a connection.
- Click the other computer’s “Wireless Internet Connection” icon -- a bar graph icon on the computer’s System Tray, if using Windows, or click the cone-shaped icon next to the clock at the top of the screen, if using a Mac. Click on the name of your Verizon FiOS’s Internet connection. The other computer’s Windows or Mac operating system will display a log-in box. Enter your Verizon FiOS’s wireless network user name and password to access the Internet service. The bar graph or cone-shaped icon will turn a solid color indicating a connection is established.
- Open the other computer’s Internet browser to access web-based email, websites or other online service. You are still able to access your Verizon FiOS Internet connection on your first computer while the other computer is accessing the service. You do not have to pay any additional fees for using another computer on your Verizon FiOS Internet connection.
- The other computer connecting to the Internet via your Verizon FiOS connection is able to store usernames, passwords and other information within its Internet browser. The other computer works independently of yours and does not affect your computer or Verizon FiOS email account. The individual using the other computer is also capable of downloading files and sharing information with you and others via email.
Wired Networking
Wireless Networking
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