Complications of Diabetes
Diabetes is a dangerous disease.
It's a silent killer, as the symptoms are not visible for many years.
However, an awareness of the symptoms can help a long way in giving a new life to the patient.
Symptoms of Diabetes Diabetes comes packed with serious complications such as cataract, blindness, nephropathy, and thrombosis.
The common symptoms are fatigue, nausea, and palpitations.
The most serious complication is hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, which can lead a person to coma.
In the long run, this gruesome disease can cause complications like blindness, infarction, amputation, and renal diseases.
Diabetics should be more particular about their feet, as they become fragile and vulnerable to complications.
The wounds have a risk of developing abscesses and even gangrene.
This leads to imputing the infected limb.
In addition to this, diabetics are much sensitive to certain oral as well as gynecological infections, as the bacteria responsible for these infections are attracted towards "sugar".
Chronic hyperglycemia attacks the tiny blood capillaries of the eyes as well as the kidney.
And if the patient is lax in treatment, it may affect the nerves of the body.
Over time, it may lead to blindness and renal failure.
Diabetes also leads to the blockage of blood vessels.
Hence, the heart and lungs of the patient do not get sufficient supply of blood.
It may lead to death.
The condition of hypoglycemia can also lead a person to coma.
It happens when the patient is not regular in giving insulin shots to the body.
How To Recognize Whether The Patient Is Hyperglycemic Or Hypoglycemic? It is difficult to say without conducting tests.
However, one good way of recognizing is by smelling their breath.
A hyperglycemic's breath smells very sweet.
This is because of the burning of ketones as fuel in the body.
What Is Acidic Ketosis? Acidic ketosis is a condition when the body is unable to utilize glucose as fuel.
The sugar cannot enter the cells of the body due to the absence of insulin.
The cells get attacked and leads to their considerable degradation into ketones.
For the body, these ketones are nothing but toxic waste.
If this condition is not checked in time, it may lead to coma and death.
Treatment Is The Only Key Before insulin was discovered, type 1 diabetes was fatal.
Today, the scenario is different.
There are treatments available and type 1 diabetics have a chance to lead normal lives provided they follow the treatment seriously and are careful with their lifestyle.
America has many cases of people going blind or suffering from renal complications due to lack of proper treatment of diabetes.
This should not happen.
Medical science has advanced so much that it can give the diabetics a normal healthy life to live.
The only condition is that the patients should be determined to fight diabetes and not just resign to their fate.
Thus, the key to controlling diabetes is proper treatment on time.
It's a silent killer, as the symptoms are not visible for many years.
However, an awareness of the symptoms can help a long way in giving a new life to the patient.
Symptoms of Diabetes Diabetes comes packed with serious complications such as cataract, blindness, nephropathy, and thrombosis.
The common symptoms are fatigue, nausea, and palpitations.
The most serious complication is hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, which can lead a person to coma.
In the long run, this gruesome disease can cause complications like blindness, infarction, amputation, and renal diseases.
Diabetics should be more particular about their feet, as they become fragile and vulnerable to complications.
The wounds have a risk of developing abscesses and even gangrene.
This leads to imputing the infected limb.
In addition to this, diabetics are much sensitive to certain oral as well as gynecological infections, as the bacteria responsible for these infections are attracted towards "sugar".
Chronic hyperglycemia attacks the tiny blood capillaries of the eyes as well as the kidney.
And if the patient is lax in treatment, it may affect the nerves of the body.
Over time, it may lead to blindness and renal failure.
Diabetes also leads to the blockage of blood vessels.
Hence, the heart and lungs of the patient do not get sufficient supply of blood.
It may lead to death.
The condition of hypoglycemia can also lead a person to coma.
It happens when the patient is not regular in giving insulin shots to the body.
How To Recognize Whether The Patient Is Hyperglycemic Or Hypoglycemic? It is difficult to say without conducting tests.
However, one good way of recognizing is by smelling their breath.
A hyperglycemic's breath smells very sweet.
This is because of the burning of ketones as fuel in the body.
What Is Acidic Ketosis? Acidic ketosis is a condition when the body is unable to utilize glucose as fuel.
The sugar cannot enter the cells of the body due to the absence of insulin.
The cells get attacked and leads to their considerable degradation into ketones.
For the body, these ketones are nothing but toxic waste.
If this condition is not checked in time, it may lead to coma and death.
Treatment Is The Only Key Before insulin was discovered, type 1 diabetes was fatal.
Today, the scenario is different.
There are treatments available and type 1 diabetics have a chance to lead normal lives provided they follow the treatment seriously and are careful with their lifestyle.
America has many cases of people going blind or suffering from renal complications due to lack of proper treatment of diabetes.
This should not happen.
Medical science has advanced so much that it can give the diabetics a normal healthy life to live.
The only condition is that the patients should be determined to fight diabetes and not just resign to their fate.
Thus, the key to controlling diabetes is proper treatment on time.