Christian Dream Interpretation
God is in dreams more than you think. Christian dream interpretation can help you see Him more clearly. Let me start off by telling you a little secret that the other site will not tell you. If you really want to truly feel God in all His glory and love than you are best off learning lucid dreaming. I will talk more about this later in the article so you are really going to want to read the whole thing. These secrets that I will share with you could change your spiritual relationship with God. First let me tell you the basics of Christian dream interpretation.
Dreams appear in the Bible and are also mentioned by many saints. In biblical times people believed that the purpose of dreams was for God to speak through them. This still holds true today, in a sense, and that is why Christian dream interpretation exists. God appears every where we look, especially in beautiful nature and the human beings made in his image. But dreams can be a much more spiritual than this. You can feel a true connection with God and understand what he is trying to tell you through Christian dream interpretation.
I also want to point out that not everything in your dream is religious! Its ok if elements of your dream go against your morals. If you constantly think about bad things and that shows up in your dreams then there can be a moral issue there, but if you just happen to dream about doing or saying something you would not in real life then that is completely normal and you do not have to worry. This is very important because many people stress about their dreams when there is really nothing that they should feel bad about. Some people view Christian dream interpretation in different ways an this is just my opinion, based upon my knowledge of dreams and the Christian faith.
Christians believe that God has a plan for us and we should try our best to follow His plan. Dreams can be a way for Him to tell us which path to take. This does not mean that if you have a dream about a giraffe than you should move to Africa or go work at a zoo. You need to be reasonable and use your own logic sometimes, when trying to interpret dreams in a Christian point of view, or any point of view for that matter. If you really want to experience God in your dreams than continue reading.
The Truth about Christian Dream Interpretation
Christian dream interpretation can only get you so far. I am a lucid dreamer. This means that I can, on some occasions, control my dreams. This may sound irrational to you, but please trust me. Lucid dreaming has been scientifically proven and is not really that difficult to learn. In fact, I explain methods and tips throughout the rest of this website. But right now I'm here to tell you how you can use them to truly feel Gods love. Before you go to bed you need to make a plan. You need to tell your brain that you are going to ask to see God's love in your dream (this is NOT a joke, it's very important). The next step is to become lucid in your dream. There are many ways to go about this and I will not go into that in this article. Finally, while in your dream, you will yell out, "show me God's love!" This may seem silly but when you do this while lucid in a dream you are talking to your subconscious, which can be very spiritual. You can also talk to your subconscious about many other things. You may be surprised about how it answers you.
Dreams appear in the Bible and are also mentioned by many saints. In biblical times people believed that the purpose of dreams was for God to speak through them. This still holds true today, in a sense, and that is why Christian dream interpretation exists. God appears every where we look, especially in beautiful nature and the human beings made in his image. But dreams can be a much more spiritual than this. You can feel a true connection with God and understand what he is trying to tell you through Christian dream interpretation.
I also want to point out that not everything in your dream is religious! Its ok if elements of your dream go against your morals. If you constantly think about bad things and that shows up in your dreams then there can be a moral issue there, but if you just happen to dream about doing or saying something you would not in real life then that is completely normal and you do not have to worry. This is very important because many people stress about their dreams when there is really nothing that they should feel bad about. Some people view Christian dream interpretation in different ways an this is just my opinion, based upon my knowledge of dreams and the Christian faith.
Christians believe that God has a plan for us and we should try our best to follow His plan. Dreams can be a way for Him to tell us which path to take. This does not mean that if you have a dream about a giraffe than you should move to Africa or go work at a zoo. You need to be reasonable and use your own logic sometimes, when trying to interpret dreams in a Christian point of view, or any point of view for that matter. If you really want to experience God in your dreams than continue reading.
The Truth about Christian Dream Interpretation
Christian dream interpretation can only get you so far. I am a lucid dreamer. This means that I can, on some occasions, control my dreams. This may sound irrational to you, but please trust me. Lucid dreaming has been scientifically proven and is not really that difficult to learn. In fact, I explain methods and tips throughout the rest of this website. But right now I'm here to tell you how you can use them to truly feel Gods love. Before you go to bed you need to make a plan. You need to tell your brain that you are going to ask to see God's love in your dream (this is NOT a joke, it's very important). The next step is to become lucid in your dream. There are many ways to go about this and I will not go into that in this article. Finally, while in your dream, you will yell out, "show me God's love!" This may seem silly but when you do this while lucid in a dream you are talking to your subconscious, which can be very spiritual. You can also talk to your subconscious about many other things. You may be surprised about how it answers you.