How to Properly Trim Peace Lilies
- 1). Cut the blooms from your peace lily when they begin to fade. Blooming robs the plant of energy, and the flowers aren't pretty when they're spent anyway. Use a clean, sharp knife or scissors to cut the stalk off as close as possible to the leaf it emerges from. Cut it cleanly -- do not try to pull, twist or tear the stalk out.
- 2). Trim the spadix enclosed by the spathe, or hood, out of the peace lily's bloom if necessary. This structure produces powdery pollen, which will drop and scatter all over the plant and its surrounding area. You can get rid of the mess and still enjoy the remaining spathe for weeks.
- 3). Remove any dead, badly damaged or discolored leaves as they occur. Cut the stem all the way back to the growing point of the plant.
- 4). Trim out undesired leaves which might have grown too tall or that poke awkwardly out the sides of your peace lily, giving it a shabby appearance. This will tidy it's shape up considerably without harming the plant.
- 5). Use scissors to trim away dead or discolored leaf tips and edges. Carefully cut the undesirable tissue away with scissors, following the nature shape of the leaf.
- 6). Switch to bottled water for your peace lily. Salts present in tap water -- particularly softened water -- accumulate in the plant and burn the leaves.