Prospecting - Who Else Is Tired Of Tire Kickers?Tip #2
In Free Tip #1 I stressed the importance of having good energy when talking to your prospect.
They are able to sense your charisma and telepathic message! In much the same way the prospect is "checking you out," you can check them out as well.
Remember, prospecting is a numbers game.
With that in mind you want to find out as quickly as possible (3-5 minutes) how interested your prospect really is.
Are they serious or just curious? Last time I also discussed how important it is to get the prospect talking about themselves.
A good question to ask at the 'get-go' might be, "What's happening in your life now to where you are looking to work at home?" Here's what you do next...
LISTEN Don't anticipate their answer or be thinking of your response or what your next question might be.
Most people are not good listeners.
Remember the old saying, "God gave us two ears and only one mouth?"Bingo!Listen (at least) twice as much as you speak.
Just as you have purpose for being in business (mine is, "More Life to All'), listen for the prospect's purpose.
You only want to attract those who are in line or congruent with your purpose.
While their goals might be different, make sure that a potential prospect has a purpose that matches you own.
If so, keep working to recruit them.
If not, let them go.
Don't waste your time!And don't feel badly about it.
Seek to enroll only people with whom you believe you would like to work.
The others aren't worth the problems they will cause you down the road.
Prospecting can be rewarding or it can be a nightmare!Don't allow your desire for a commission cloud your gut feeling about your desire or ability to work with someone with whom you don't feel totally comfortable.
Believe! Scott Smallwood
They are able to sense your charisma and telepathic message! In much the same way the prospect is "checking you out," you can check them out as well.
Remember, prospecting is a numbers game.
With that in mind you want to find out as quickly as possible (3-5 minutes) how interested your prospect really is.
Are they serious or just curious? Last time I also discussed how important it is to get the prospect talking about themselves.
A good question to ask at the 'get-go' might be, "What's happening in your life now to where you are looking to work at home?" Here's what you do next...
LISTEN Don't anticipate their answer or be thinking of your response or what your next question might be.
Most people are not good listeners.
Remember the old saying, "God gave us two ears and only one mouth?"Bingo!Listen (at least) twice as much as you speak.
Just as you have purpose for being in business (mine is, "More Life to All'), listen for the prospect's purpose.
You only want to attract those who are in line or congruent with your purpose.
While their goals might be different, make sure that a potential prospect has a purpose that matches you own.
If so, keep working to recruit them.
If not, let them go.
Don't waste your time!And don't feel badly about it.
Seek to enroll only people with whom you believe you would like to work.
The others aren't worth the problems they will cause you down the road.
Prospecting can be rewarding or it can be a nightmare!Don't allow your desire for a commission cloud your gut feeling about your desire or ability to work with someone with whom you don't feel totally comfortable.
Believe! Scott Smallwood