Does Synthetic Grass Really Pay For Itself In Less Than Three Years In Las Vegas?
It is true, that lush Synthetic grass, when properly installed by a qualified and reputable landscape contractor can pay from itself many times over!
Let's compare together the costs for a 1200 square foot average Las Vegas or Henderson synthetic lawn installation using artificial lawn prices from Synlawn at the local Lowe's, VS having a real sodded Tall Fescue lawn installed:
Synthetic Grass Cost:
1200 Square feet of a medium to better quality synthetic lawn
$8.00 (average) per foot installed price from Synlawn at Lowe's
Installed price by Synlawn at Lowe's $9,600.00
Now, let's compare a natural sodded Tall Fescue Lawn Cost:
1200 Square feet of real Tall Fescue grass sod and sprinklers:
$3.50 or more per foot installed by a local contractor
Installed price by local contractor is apx. $4,200.00
Gardening service at $100.00 per month
Fertilization service $200 per year
Sprinkler repairs avg $100.00 per year or more
Water cost for 1200 square feet is 66,000 per year (per SNWA) or $339.00 per year. (Thats $3,300 dollars over ten years!)
So our new quality synthetic lawn will cost us: $9600.00 over three yrs.
A real sod lawn will cost us over $9700.00 over three years- $12,000 over ten years!
Now, if you shop around and locate quality synthetic grass from another company in Las Vegas that is lees expensive than $8.00 per foot, you will save even more and your pay off will be much sooner than three years!
Desert Greenscapes ( carries eight high quality, lush synthetic pet friendly grasses that are all SNWA approved for under $7.20 per foot- Installed! Don't be fooled by cheaper light face weight grasses. It pays to compare price, knowledgable customer service and value!
If you take advantage of the Southern Nevada Water Authority Water Smart Rebate, you can get a rebate of $1.50 per foot back for each foot of non functional grass that is removed and replaced with synthetic grass!
By shopping for the best quality and best price and utilizing the SNWA rebate, your pay back time now in nearly half the example project above!
For more info on the rebate program please see:
From more information on quality synthetic grass see:
Synthetic Lawn...Is it the right choice for you and your family?
Water Wise Syn thetic Lawn is a smart choice if you do your home work! I have designed and installed thousands of beautiful and successful grass installations. Take some sound advice from a landscape pro:
Select the proper Landscape Contractor. Success can be won or lost with this first vital step! Verify that your contractor is properly licensed and that his license covers synthetic grass. If he is doing landscape too, he must have a license for landscaping in addition to the grass license. (Requirements vary by state, so check your local contractor's board or agency first)
Warning signs and Red Flags that you may not have a reputable grass contractor:
* Does your syn thetic lawn contractor want a hefty deposit up front prior to starting work? * Does your contractor say the they "Have to special order your particular grass?"
* Does your contractor add on sales tax at the last minute after giving you your estimate?
* Do the contractor's employees communicate with the customers in English?
These are red flags that may denote possible future issues with your potential contractor . Many gardeners branching out into the field or financially unstable contractors cannot afford to inventory standard grasses, or they may be in a cash pinch and need your deposit to pay past bills. Do not pay a large deposit for a standard installation.
Compare the bottom line costs between your contractors; include all delivery fees, demolition, add ons and sales tax. Often I have seen it cheaper to go with a higher bid when the sales tax is included in that particular bid.
Avoid suprises...Ask questions if you need more information on the "Out the Door" bottom price.
Think about your family's and pets safety and well being. Check out the proposed grass for lead content. Many quality made in the USA grasses are lead free, (although I have witnessed some nation wide grass stores and home centers that are still selling the California banned grass in neighboring states).
Ask for a copy of the mills product report. Use caution for lead content with the cheap Chinese fake grasses being sold on line. AND always, always ask for a sample of the grass you selected at the show room or by the salesman- don't allow the company to switch the grass on you! I see that happening more and more.
Take steps to control pet odors with Zeolite, or odor system. This really is important to enjoy your yard with your pets!
Request information on how your grass will be installed, ie: the type and depth of base material, type of fastening system (don't use common box nails...) type of seaming system and type of top dress (sand or rubber balls)
And lastly, you should feel confident with the person selling you the grass. They will be in your back yard, around your family and pets for a few days. Do you trust them enough to bring them into your family's home? If you have any bad vibes, back up and check the firm out. Ask for reference and look for on line reviews and testimonials from satisfied (or not) customers.
Once the work is completed, make sure to get a receipt showing that you paid for the work, especially if you pay with cash!
After your lawn has been installed, sit back and relax, you've earned it!
Donald Moore is a Landscape designer in Las Vegas NV. He may be reached at [email protected]
702 529-0377
Lic #92996 $50 K Limit
Let's compare together the costs for a 1200 square foot average Las Vegas or Henderson synthetic lawn installation using artificial lawn prices from Synlawn at the local Lowe's, VS having a real sodded Tall Fescue lawn installed:
Synthetic Grass Cost:
1200 Square feet of a medium to better quality synthetic lawn
$8.00 (average) per foot installed price from Synlawn at Lowe's
Installed price by Synlawn at Lowe's $9,600.00
Now, let's compare a natural sodded Tall Fescue Lawn Cost:
1200 Square feet of real Tall Fescue grass sod and sprinklers:
$3.50 or more per foot installed by a local contractor
Installed price by local contractor is apx. $4,200.00
Gardening service at $100.00 per month
Fertilization service $200 per year
Sprinkler repairs avg $100.00 per year or more
Water cost for 1200 square feet is 66,000 per year (per SNWA) or $339.00 per year. (Thats $3,300 dollars over ten years!)
So our new quality synthetic lawn will cost us: $9600.00 over three yrs.
A real sod lawn will cost us over $9700.00 over three years- $12,000 over ten years!
Now, if you shop around and locate quality synthetic grass from another company in Las Vegas that is lees expensive than $8.00 per foot, you will save even more and your pay off will be much sooner than three years!
Desert Greenscapes ( carries eight high quality, lush synthetic pet friendly grasses that are all SNWA approved for under $7.20 per foot- Installed! Don't be fooled by cheaper light face weight grasses. It pays to compare price, knowledgable customer service and value!
If you take advantage of the Southern Nevada Water Authority Water Smart Rebate, you can get a rebate of $1.50 per foot back for each foot of non functional grass that is removed and replaced with synthetic grass!
By shopping for the best quality and best price and utilizing the SNWA rebate, your pay back time now in nearly half the example project above!
For more info on the rebate program please see:
From more information on quality synthetic grass see:
Synthetic Lawn...Is it the right choice for you and your family?
Water Wise Syn thetic Lawn is a smart choice if you do your home work! I have designed and installed thousands of beautiful and successful grass installations. Take some sound advice from a landscape pro:
Select the proper Landscape Contractor. Success can be won or lost with this first vital step! Verify that your contractor is properly licensed and that his license covers synthetic grass. If he is doing landscape too, he must have a license for landscaping in addition to the grass license. (Requirements vary by state, so check your local contractor's board or agency first)
Warning signs and Red Flags that you may not have a reputable grass contractor:
* Does your syn thetic lawn contractor want a hefty deposit up front prior to starting work? * Does your contractor say the they "Have to special order your particular grass?"
* Does your contractor add on sales tax at the last minute after giving you your estimate?
* Do the contractor's employees communicate with the customers in English?
These are red flags that may denote possible future issues with your potential contractor . Many gardeners branching out into the field or financially unstable contractors cannot afford to inventory standard grasses, or they may be in a cash pinch and need your deposit to pay past bills. Do not pay a large deposit for a standard installation.
Compare the bottom line costs between your contractors; include all delivery fees, demolition, add ons and sales tax. Often I have seen it cheaper to go with a higher bid when the sales tax is included in that particular bid.
Avoid suprises...Ask questions if you need more information on the "Out the Door" bottom price.
Think about your family's and pets safety and well being. Check out the proposed grass for lead content. Many quality made in the USA grasses are lead free, (although I have witnessed some nation wide grass stores and home centers that are still selling the California banned grass in neighboring states).
Ask for a copy of the mills product report. Use caution for lead content with the cheap Chinese fake grasses being sold on line. AND always, always ask for a sample of the grass you selected at the show room or by the salesman- don't allow the company to switch the grass on you! I see that happening more and more.
Take steps to control pet odors with Zeolite, or odor system. This really is important to enjoy your yard with your pets!
Request information on how your grass will be installed, ie: the type and depth of base material, type of fastening system (don't use common box nails...) type of seaming system and type of top dress (sand or rubber balls)
And lastly, you should feel confident with the person selling you the grass. They will be in your back yard, around your family and pets for a few days. Do you trust them enough to bring them into your family's home? If you have any bad vibes, back up and check the firm out. Ask for reference and look for on line reviews and testimonials from satisfied (or not) customers.
Once the work is completed, make sure to get a receipt showing that you paid for the work, especially if you pay with cash!
After your lawn has been installed, sit back and relax, you've earned it!
Donald Moore is a Landscape designer in Las Vegas NV. He may be reached at [email protected]
702 529-0377
Lic #92996 $50 K Limit