The 1 Biggest Secret to Getting 6 Pack Abs
I can safely say that almost every person on the planet has either asked someone what exercises they do to get their 6 pack Abs, or have stressed themselves silly because there doesn't seem to be any Ab workout that will give them one.
There are a million Ab workout guides that "guarantee" a ripped mid section by doing certain exercises, but it's what they DON'T tell you that is going to give you the results you want.
And it's not a certain workout or a certain exercise.
One of the most popular phrases for anyone who has really studied fitness and nutrition, is: "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.
" How is this even possible? Isn't muscle built in the gym? How does the kitchen and what you eat have anything to do with Abs and physique? If your bodyfat percentage is too high, your Abs will NOT show no matter how hard you try.
You can do Ab workout after Ab workout, but they just won't show through.
You could even be leaner and more ripped mid section than you even know, but still, nobody will be able to see it.
The real key to getting those Abs to show is to decrease your overall percentage of bodyfat.
And how do you decrease bodyfat? DIET! Your diet shouldn't be thought of as something of as a trend or a diet program like "The Southbeach Diet", or "The Atkins Diet".
When you talk about your diet, you are talking about all of the food you eat.
An unhealthy 'diet' would be a diet that consisted of purely fast food.
A healthy 'diet' would be one that is loaded with fruits, vegetables, vitamins and protein.
So I'll say it once more: If you want 6 pack abs or a ripped physique, you ABSOLUTELY MUST have a good DIET! Now you might be thinking, "This must only be good for losing fat, I want to gain muscle.
" If you want to build muscle your diet is just as important! Your diet is the main tool that you use when you are trying to achieve any physical goal.
So say you had a zero carbohydrate diet.
Then you go for your workout and give it your all for 5 or 10 minutes.
Then you slowly start to lose energy, but you finish your workout anyways.
You know that you have a zero carb high protein drink will be all you need to give you the muscle that you want.
WRONG! You need carbohydrates immediately after you work out to feed your muscles, protein isn't all you need.
A good diet should have a variety of nutrients that you need to keep your body healthy and in shape.
Certain fatty foods are great for your brain.
Carbohydrates play a vital role in building muscle and giving your body the energy it NEEDS.
Diet is KEY! Without a good diet, you can still be unhealthy and out of shape, no matter how hard you workout.
When you have a good diet, you stop feeding your body what you want to eat.
You start feeding it what you need to become fit and healthy.
There are a million Ab workout guides that "guarantee" a ripped mid section by doing certain exercises, but it's what they DON'T tell you that is going to give you the results you want.
And it's not a certain workout or a certain exercise.
One of the most popular phrases for anyone who has really studied fitness and nutrition, is: "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.
" How is this even possible? Isn't muscle built in the gym? How does the kitchen and what you eat have anything to do with Abs and physique? If your bodyfat percentage is too high, your Abs will NOT show no matter how hard you try.
You can do Ab workout after Ab workout, but they just won't show through.
You could even be leaner and more ripped mid section than you even know, but still, nobody will be able to see it.
The real key to getting those Abs to show is to decrease your overall percentage of bodyfat.
And how do you decrease bodyfat? DIET! Your diet shouldn't be thought of as something of as a trend or a diet program like "The Southbeach Diet", or "The Atkins Diet".
When you talk about your diet, you are talking about all of the food you eat.
An unhealthy 'diet' would be a diet that consisted of purely fast food.
A healthy 'diet' would be one that is loaded with fruits, vegetables, vitamins and protein.
So I'll say it once more: If you want 6 pack abs or a ripped physique, you ABSOLUTELY MUST have a good DIET! Now you might be thinking, "This must only be good for losing fat, I want to gain muscle.
" If you want to build muscle your diet is just as important! Your diet is the main tool that you use when you are trying to achieve any physical goal.
So say you had a zero carbohydrate diet.
Then you go for your workout and give it your all for 5 or 10 minutes.
Then you slowly start to lose energy, but you finish your workout anyways.
You know that you have a zero carb high protein drink will be all you need to give you the muscle that you want.
WRONG! You need carbohydrates immediately after you work out to feed your muscles, protein isn't all you need.
A good diet should have a variety of nutrients that you need to keep your body healthy and in shape.
Certain fatty foods are great for your brain.
Carbohydrates play a vital role in building muscle and giving your body the energy it NEEDS.
Diet is KEY! Without a good diet, you can still be unhealthy and out of shape, no matter how hard you workout.
When you have a good diet, you stop feeding your body what you want to eat.
You start feeding it what you need to become fit and healthy.