How to Retrieve Seeds From a Begonia Plant
- 1). Cut the tan or brown seed pods from the begonia plant after the flower stem begins to dry and wither---approximately one month after flowering completes. Either snap the pod off the stem with your hand, taking care not to break it open, or cut it off with a small pair of shears.
- 2). Place the pods inside a tall drinking glass as you collect them. The small seeds easily blow away if the pods burst, so the height of the glass prevents this.
- 3). Set the drinking glass full of pods in a warm, well-ventilated room. Leave the pods for seven to 14 days so they finish drying. Seeds are ready for retrieval when the pod is dry and papery.
- 4). Split the pods open with your fingernail, holding it over a sheet of white paper. Fold the paper in half so the seeds set along the crease in the paper. Hold the paper over a shallow bowl and tap the sides so the seeds roll down the crease and into the bowl. The chafe and pod remnants do not roll so are left behind on the paper where you can dispose of them. Repeat for each pod.
- 5). Label an envelope with the begonia variety and year harvested. Place the seeds in the envelope then place the envelope into a jar and seal closed. Store the jar in the refrigerator or freezer for best longevity, advises Oregon State University Extension.