Raccoon Hunting With Dogs
- Though many breeds can be trained to hunt raccoons, the United Kennel Club recognizes six different breeds of hounds generally classified as Coon Hounds. The breeds are Treeing Walker, Redbone, Blue Tick, English Coon Hound, Black and Tan, and Plott Hound. All of these breeds are capable, but raccoon hunters usually have a preference.
- Raccoon hunting is a night sport since that's when raccoons are most likely to be active. The dogs are turned loose in an area, such as near wetlands or in forested bottom lands. The dogs cast about independently, each sniffing the ground for fresh scent left by a passing raccoon. Once a trail is struck, the hound sounds off with a deep bawl or bark and begins to trail the raccoon. The other dogs hie to the sound of the leader and join the chase, which often leads along or across streams, to places where the raccoon doubles back or makes long leaps to try to throw the dogs off its trail. Sometimes the raccoon gets away and sometimes the dogs catch up, forcing the raccoon to climb a tree to escape.
- Once the raccoon goes up the tree and the hounds arrive, their barking changes from their trailing voice to their treeing voice. Hunters, monitoring the chase more by sound than sight because of the distance and darkness, move in once the raccoon climbs into the tree. A smart or lucky raccoon often leads the dogs to one of its den trees and escapes into a hole. If the raccoon is forced into a tree with no escape holes, the hunter will locate it with a portable spot light and may shoot it down. Many hunters participate only for the hunt, not for the harvest. If this is the case, the houndsmen will gather the dogs, move to a new area and make another cast.
- Raccoon hunting is regulated by state wildlife agencies. There are often two seasons set; one time period when running raccoons is allowed, but harvest is not permitted. The second is the hunting or taking season, when treed raccoons are allowed to be shot. A few states have daily bag limits that must be followed. All hunters need to have a state-issued hunting license.
- Raccoons are hunted for their fur as well as their meat. Furriers in the United States and abroad use raccoon fur to make fashionable, warm garments. Money earned by selling the pelts helps offset the price of feeding and caring for the dogs. Raccoon meat is highly regarded by many and is a traditional table fare in many areas of the Southern U.S.
Types of Hounds
On the Hunt
At the Tree
Use the Raccoon