Live Longer Healthier By Getting A Pet
People live longer now perhaps because of the many discoveries modern health science has made; from early detection of certain life-threatening diseases to foods you should either eat less or more. You can benefit a lot from these discoveries to live longer but do not limit yourself to those things because you can also enjoy a longer life simply by getting a pet.
There are more benefits to owning a pet than the companionship they give. Numerous studies actually show that those pet lovers who have owned a pet since they were young have a decreased risk of developing heart disease when they get older.
Cat and dog owners in particular, have been found to be less likely to die from a heart attack so they have better chance to live longer than those people who have never owned a pet. Stroke victims can also benefit from taking care of a pet for their rehabilitation. As what pet lovers would share, having a pet around has a calming effect, perfect for relieving ever day stresses, which is one of the contributing factors to developing cardiovascular diseases.
Dogs also keep you physically active since you have to walk or play with them regularly; the result, healthier bones and muscles and better blood circulation for you to live longer. Walking is not the only form of exercise you can do with your pets because you can also include them in your workout routine, this way you are not only sweating it out but also you can also laugh it out at the same time.
Having pets alleviate feelings of depression and also encourages social interaction in their owners. As there are people who would rather keep their emotional burdens to themselves than to share it with other people, having a pet to unload your burdens to can help lift or enhance your mood.
You can talk to them anytime you want for as long as you want; you do not have to fear rejection because they love their owners unconditionally and they will be there to listen and be with you whether you are feeling sad, sick or happy. Yes, they cannot talk to you but pets have been known to have their own way of showing affection to their owners.
For people who tend to feel socially isolated having a pet could have them interacting with other people without really trying. That is because other pet lovers are also inclined to interact with other pet owners so even just walking your dog gives you the chance to some spend time with other pet owners.
Diabetic people have a constant need to have their sugar levels checked and if a drop in their blood sugar levels is left undetected, they could suffer from coma and death. This is where specially trained dogs come in because they can detect these drop in blood sugar levels so that they can be alerted to take necessary action before it is too late.
All of this information gives you all the more reason to consider getting a pet to help you live longer and healthier. But you should remember that getting a pet also involves commitment so make sure that you are ready to take care of a pets needs.
There are more benefits to owning a pet than the companionship they give. Numerous studies actually show that those pet lovers who have owned a pet since they were young have a decreased risk of developing heart disease when they get older.
Cat and dog owners in particular, have been found to be less likely to die from a heart attack so they have better chance to live longer than those people who have never owned a pet. Stroke victims can also benefit from taking care of a pet for their rehabilitation. As what pet lovers would share, having a pet around has a calming effect, perfect for relieving ever day stresses, which is one of the contributing factors to developing cardiovascular diseases.
Dogs also keep you physically active since you have to walk or play with them regularly; the result, healthier bones and muscles and better blood circulation for you to live longer. Walking is not the only form of exercise you can do with your pets because you can also include them in your workout routine, this way you are not only sweating it out but also you can also laugh it out at the same time.
Having pets alleviate feelings of depression and also encourages social interaction in their owners. As there are people who would rather keep their emotional burdens to themselves than to share it with other people, having a pet to unload your burdens to can help lift or enhance your mood.
You can talk to them anytime you want for as long as you want; you do not have to fear rejection because they love their owners unconditionally and they will be there to listen and be with you whether you are feeling sad, sick or happy. Yes, they cannot talk to you but pets have been known to have their own way of showing affection to their owners.
For people who tend to feel socially isolated having a pet could have them interacting with other people without really trying. That is because other pet lovers are also inclined to interact with other pet owners so even just walking your dog gives you the chance to some spend time with other pet owners.
Diabetic people have a constant need to have their sugar levels checked and if a drop in their blood sugar levels is left undetected, they could suffer from coma and death. This is where specially trained dogs come in because they can detect these drop in blood sugar levels so that they can be alerted to take necessary action before it is too late.
All of this information gives you all the more reason to consider getting a pet to help you live longer and healthier. But you should remember that getting a pet also involves commitment so make sure that you are ready to take care of a pets needs.