Find Out How Your Baby is Laying in the Womb
Updated October 30, 2014.
I went to a session with midwife Gail Tully and she was talking about belly mapping, a way to figure out how your baby is laying in the womb. It's such a cool thing to do with your baby and can be very useful in determining where your baby is to help influence it in your pregnancy to benefit your labor. I know you wish you were there to see this awesome demonstration, but you can read about it at Gail's website Spinning Babies and use her download for the belly mapping outline.
How is your baby laying?
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- Fetal Positions
- Turning a Breech Baby
- Breech Baby
- 5 Ways to Turn a Breech Baby
- External Version
- Repositioning a Malpositioned Baby
- Belly Mapping for Parents
- Belly Mapping for Parents (Espanol Mapeo del Vientre Para los Padres)
Photo © Amanda Rachel Gibbs