8 Ways to Deepen Your Intuitive Questioning So You Access More Insightful Intuitive Guidance
Intuitive guidance will be as good as your questions & intent.
If your questions are too narrow (will we get married?), then your answers will be limited, of course.
If your questions are broader (what type of relationship is best for us at this time? what can I expect from a marriage with this person? how can I prepare myself for marriage? etc) then your guidance will be deeper and help you grow.
Intend to deepen your questioning process.
Become a better questioner.
Examine your own questions and refine them.
Become more aware of the questioning part of the process and your intuitive guidance will flourish with more insight and detail.
8 tips to deepen your questioning process
If your questions are too narrow (will we get married?), then your answers will be limited, of course.
If your questions are broader (what type of relationship is best for us at this time? what can I expect from a marriage with this person? how can I prepare myself for marriage? etc) then your guidance will be deeper and help you grow.
Intend to deepen your questioning process.
Become a better questioner.
Examine your own questions and refine them.
Become more aware of the questioning part of the process and your intuitive guidance will flourish with more insight and detail.
8 tips to deepen your questioning process
- Be aware when a question raises fear in you.
Do you want to know what is true? - Be aware when a question raises longing in you.
Are you attached to an answer? - Be aware of the intent of your questions.
Are your questions focused in a balanced way? Are they overly giving or needy? Are you too focused on learning/fixing rather than creating/enjoying? Are your questions open or closed? Are your questions specific enough? You are free to ask anything, and if your intent is clear, you will get guidance on what is relevant and needed (not always what you want, but what you need).
Are you avoiding any questions? - Focus on effective questioning.
Just notice and intend to ask more meaningful questions.
Sometimes I ask to intuitively know the most effective questions to focus on.
- Center and open.
Center in a willingness, an openness, to know what is true so you can make wiser choices.
Ask for your highest intuitive guidance on the question (this is important, you are not asking your thoughts). - Notice and keep asking questions.
Now notice what you notice when you ask the question.
What gets your attention.
And continue to ask questions as you notice, ask for details, ask what the meaning is for you. - Act on guidance.
Look for ways you can 'be the guidance', to deeply embody the guidance and not just conceptualize it.
The more you follow guidance, the stronger it gets.
As you act on guidance, ask to continue to be guided.
- Take your time and be with your question.
Choose a meaningful question to you and sit with it over time, allowing the answers to increasingly unfold to you; you don't need the answers immediately, be open to them.