Parents - The Key to School and Student Success
In 1818, Noah Webster sold 5 million copies of his Spelling Book.
Our nation only had 20 million residents.
One in 4 people bought his book.
People were well read and cultured learning at home.
Our forefathers believed our country would grow to be a more civilized productive republic if every citizen could learn the seven arts of reading, writing, thinking, singing, calculating, bookkeeping and speaking.
How true they were! School began as institutions to promote lifelong learning for the masses, and created the greatest country in the world.
Prior to formal public primary/ secondary schooling people learned at home.
However, public primary/ secondary schools began were not meant to supplement at home learning.
The home is still critical to process of lifelong learning.
Most children learn and replicate their parents' strengths and weaknesses.
In essence, the parent is the child's first teacher.
Parent have the responsibility to ignite a student's desire to pursue their natural talents; Schools have the responsibility to teach both student and parent how to establish a foundation for lifelong learning.
Parents hold the keys to a child's success or failure and hence a school's success or failure.
When parents are immersed in the culture of lifelong learning high performing students and high performing schools develop.
Here are some of our results: Hanstein Elementary 2002-2003 school year
Transform your school into high performing schools equip yourself with the education to hold your schools and their administration accountable for teaching full indepth lessons to your children.
Our nation only had 20 million residents.
One in 4 people bought his book.
People were well read and cultured learning at home.
Our forefathers believed our country would grow to be a more civilized productive republic if every citizen could learn the seven arts of reading, writing, thinking, singing, calculating, bookkeeping and speaking.
How true they were! School began as institutions to promote lifelong learning for the masses, and created the greatest country in the world.
Prior to formal public primary/ secondary schooling people learned at home.
However, public primary/ secondary schools began were not meant to supplement at home learning.
The home is still critical to process of lifelong learning.
Most children learn and replicate their parents' strengths and weaknesses.
In essence, the parent is the child's first teacher.
Parent have the responsibility to ignite a student's desire to pursue their natural talents; Schools have the responsibility to teach both student and parent how to establish a foundation for lifelong learning.
Parents hold the keys to a child's success or failure and hence a school's success or failure.
When parents are immersed in the culture of lifelong learning high performing students and high performing schools develop.
Here are some of our results: Hanstein Elementary 2002-2003 school year
- Recreated parent group to be involved in academics at home and at school.
- Fifty percent (50%) increase MEAP Reading proficiency score from of 28.
1% to 78.
1% - Thirty percent (30%) increase MEAP Math proficiency score from 39.
1% to 69.
- Recreated parent group to be involved in academics at home and at school.
- Forty percent (40.
84%) increase Middle school MEAP Reading score from of 34.
16% to 75% - Forty six percent (46.
97%) increase in MEAP Math proficiency score from 16.
44% to 63.
41% next year.
- Guided merger of two existing school Fine & Performing Arts East and Elmdale Conservatory
- Moved collective Lexile Reading grade level from 4.
2 to 7.
8 utilizing remediation grounded in computerized software. - Sent three quarter finalist out of the 79 chosen from 10,000 students.
to the National Vocabulary Championship - Eighty percent (80%) graduation rate its first year with those graduates all attending a postsecondary institution
- Won the Automation Alley Educational Program of the Year 2007
- Maintained a waitlist of approximately 500 students the entire timeframe it was open.
- Instituted Integrating Math and Science in Every Day Life workshop
- Served as Evening/Weekend tutor Carnegie Math Credit Recovery Algebra/Geometry
- MME Math proficiency increased to 17.
58% from 12.
70% - MME Science proficiency increased to 27.
27% from 23.
Transform your school into high performing schools equip yourself with the education to hold your schools and their administration accountable for teaching full indepth lessons to your children.