The Effects of Dog Whistles
- The principle behind the dog whistle is "silent training," but the whistle is anything but silent to the dog. In fact, the dog hears the whistle quite well; it is only silent to the human ear.
- The high-pitched sound the dog hears gets its attention fast. If the dog is continually barking, for instance, a couple of quick blows into the whistle stops the dog's cycle of barking.
- Dog whistles are effective in training since the pitch gets the dog's attention faster than your voice. Once the dog stops a bad behavior because of the whistle, then give the dog praising and a treat. By continuing this, the dog quickly learns the commands, which helps break the bad behavior.
- Working dogs such as police dogs and service dogs often are whistle-trained. The training is silent to the person and, because of the high-frequencies, the dog learns faster than with a voice command.
- The dog whistle is not a toy, so children in the presence of dogs need adult supervision, since the high-pitch sound of the whistle can cause discomfort to the animal if used incorrectly.