What Are You Giving God?
What are you giving God? You ask Him occasionally Sometimes continually For things excessively Things most necessary Important for your image To uphold your visage Your pride a barrage Your lusts a mirage That easily camouflage What you truly want Desires down deep You dream and keep Though your hope Seems most bleak Considering how you Dreadfully speak Wants far beneath You should not Merely bequeath Instead boldly seek Put feet to your faith Practice some grace Pursue God's face Not just His hand Touch Daddy's heart Don't just come to get And than up and depart Move beyond murmuring Conquer complaining Enter into thanksgiving Relinquish your control Let fully go and be whole Don't say you're the Lord's When you maintain control Concerning where to live Dictate how much to give Christ wants all your life Not merely a tithe or tip Yet you do resist and quip Say no to God with the lip Limit and shackle Christ By your unyielded life Demands and standards Repeated denials froward A minuscule menial mentality Self-centered life for me Me, myself, and only I No wonder why you cry Flail in frustration and fuss Cuss as you drive the bus Trying to lead and navigate Your inability apparent Self-willed you are errant Godliness is not about gain It is taking up your cross Enduring and denying self To serve Jesus holy Name! Not money and profane fame Choose therefore your god! If money, than be not angry When promises of prosperity For humble obedient servants Delay in there coming to you Instead wisely ask yourself What must I endeavor to do For blessings and breakthrough? Release what you require To get what you desire Catch fresh consuming fire To ignite your destiny Forge ahead with intensity Overthrow fearful timidity Replace angst with peace Let your soul now feast Prosperity begins within If not there, you'll not win Die to your defiant rights Let the Lord arise to fight Triumph over your battles Cause the enemy to scatter Lead you in righteousness Seek His face to lovingly kiss His heart to tenderly embrace.
Prayer is the pleasant place To find joy, glory, and grace Worship God and happily taste! Don't let consumerism erase Your personhood and passion Regain purpose and take action! You quickly ask for the best But yourself give God the rest Complain about every test Trials, tribulations, transition Seeking self-actualization Disregarding degradation Christ's brutal crucifixion For you He paid the price To give you newness of life.
As for you, what in return Will you purpose to do? Can Jesus count on you? To make known to humanity Divine love, life, and liberty? Or will you carry on merely To sustain yourself entirely? When will you sacrificially give? Save lost souls needing to live? For these Jesus bled and died Not for greed, ego, and pride.
Prayer is the pleasant place To find joy, glory, and grace Worship God and happily taste! Don't let consumerism erase Your personhood and passion Regain purpose and take action! You quickly ask for the best But yourself give God the rest Complain about every test Trials, tribulations, transition Seeking self-actualization Disregarding degradation Christ's brutal crucifixion For you He paid the price To give you newness of life.
As for you, what in return Will you purpose to do? Can Jesus count on you? To make known to humanity Divine love, life, and liberty? Or will you carry on merely To sustain yourself entirely? When will you sacrificially give? Save lost souls needing to live? For these Jesus bled and died Not for greed, ego, and pride.