How to Respool a Spinning Reel
- 1). Pull all of the old line off the spool. Discard it in the garbage, or put it somewhere so it does not fall in the water or on the ground.
- 2). Join the spinning reel with a spinning rod, which has line guides that are small near the tip and bigger near the handle.
- 3). Turn the handle of the reel and note which direction the spool spins.
- 4). Lay the spool of line on the ground so the line comes off it in the same direction the reel spool spins.
- 5). Place the line through the line guides on the spinning rod, starting at the tip.
- 6). Flip the reel bail upward.
- 7). Tie the line around the spool.
- 8). Close the reel's bail.
- 9). Reel the fishing line onto the reel until the top of the line is 1/4 inch below the top of the spool.
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Cut the line between the rod tip and the spool of line.