Dying to live, the Long term effects from smoking
While we usually live for today with no regard for what may happen tomorrow, it is of severe importance for smokers, especially those who have no desire to quit, knowing the long-term effects from smoking. It easy to light a cigarette without concern for the future, but when one discovers the facts of what is really happening when they smoke; it can be life a life-changing event.
Smoking cigarettes is the process by which smokers inhale chemical smoke into the lungs. This chemical smoke is filled with harmful toxins, especially tar. Tar fills the wholes in the lungs and cause disfunction. The lungs are a part of our respiratory system and it is the respiratory system that suffers from smoking. The respiratory systems deals mainly with the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and it also works with the circulatory system, which moves the blood throughout the body. As we know, oxygen is needed for our survival and carbon dioxide is the gas that we exhale. So when we smoke, we add a poisonous chemical to the body, specifically to an area that helps circulate the poison.
This poison starts by damaging the lungs, which in many cases causes chronic bronchitis or pneumonia. Bronchitis is caused by inflammation of the bronchi, which is the airway to the lungs. Bronchitis gives you a heavy cough which lasts for months and can continue for years. Both pneumonia and bronchitis are known to be painful and have symptoms of cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty in catching your breath.
Another deadly long-term effect from smoking is emphysema, which is incurable. In others words, once you get emphysema your time on earth is limited. Emphysema is another lung disease. People who have emphysema have damaged lung tissue so much so that a person's physical shape is altered. Even after seeing men and women who cannot stand upright, people ask the question, smokers continue their habit. The only college students that are helped from cigarette smoking are those that study cancer.
Clearly, cancer is the most well know long-term cause from smoking cigarettes and likely the most deadly. Cancer is a disease in which a group of cells have an exploding amount of abnormal growth which oft times form a tumor. Cancer can affect numerous areas of the body. There is mouth, nose, throat, bladder, and cervix cancer just to name a few.
And lastly, a long-term cause from smoking cigarettes is vascular disease. Vascular disease is a cardiovascular disease and affects the heart. This deadly ailment can cause reduced blood flow to which in turn can create severe ulcers, throughout the body. An ulcer is akin to open sore and can be extremely painful and impossible to cure. They can appear on any part of your body, internally or externally.
Smoking cigarettes is the process by which smokers inhale chemical smoke into the lungs. This chemical smoke is filled with harmful toxins, especially tar. Tar fills the wholes in the lungs and cause disfunction. The lungs are a part of our respiratory system and it is the respiratory system that suffers from smoking. The respiratory systems deals mainly with the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and it also works with the circulatory system, which moves the blood throughout the body. As we know, oxygen is needed for our survival and carbon dioxide is the gas that we exhale. So when we smoke, we add a poisonous chemical to the body, specifically to an area that helps circulate the poison.
This poison starts by damaging the lungs, which in many cases causes chronic bronchitis or pneumonia. Bronchitis is caused by inflammation of the bronchi, which is the airway to the lungs. Bronchitis gives you a heavy cough which lasts for months and can continue for years. Both pneumonia and bronchitis are known to be painful and have symptoms of cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty in catching your breath.
Another deadly long-term effect from smoking is emphysema, which is incurable. In others words, once you get emphysema your time on earth is limited. Emphysema is another lung disease. People who have emphysema have damaged lung tissue so much so that a person's physical shape is altered. Even after seeing men and women who cannot stand upright, people ask the question, smokers continue their habit. The only college students that are helped from cigarette smoking are those that study cancer.
Clearly, cancer is the most well know long-term cause from smoking cigarettes and likely the most deadly. Cancer is a disease in which a group of cells have an exploding amount of abnormal growth which oft times form a tumor. Cancer can affect numerous areas of the body. There is mouth, nose, throat, bladder, and cervix cancer just to name a few.
And lastly, a long-term cause from smoking cigarettes is vascular disease. Vascular disease is a cardiovascular disease and affects the heart. This deadly ailment can cause reduced blood flow to which in turn can create severe ulcers, throughout the body. An ulcer is akin to open sore and can be extremely painful and impossible to cure. They can appear on any part of your body, internally or externally.