Your Cat"s 12 Weirdest Behaviors Explained
We love them but cat behavior can puzzle and frustrate owners, making us think we have a weird cat. Learn about these 12 weird cat behaviors, why cats do them, and how you can learn to live with them - or even enjoy your quirky kitty's antics.
Does your cat "flip"-that is, throw himself on the ground at your feet and roll? Is he under the influence of catnip, or is something else going on? This article explains why cats indulge in kitty somersaults.More »
Some cats act like battering rams, and pummel their special humans with head butts and body rubs. It’s called bunting behavior, and is one way cats communicate with each other, and their humans. Read this article to understand what she’s saying.More »
Why do cats pose in this quirky front-end bow with their nether regions raised? I call it elevator butt, although there's a more polite technical name for the display. Learn what's going on when he raises his ass-ets.More »
How rude! Isn't enough that kitty asks for a scratch with an elevator butt pose? What's up with presenting his tail to your face? Actually, your cat's action is a backhanded compliment and kitty-correct. This article explains what kitty butt presentation means.More »
All cats do this. Or do they? Cats communicate volumes in the litter box and sometimes they want their (ahem) potty graffiti available for the world to see. Read the article to better understand the factors behind cats covering poop.More »
We've all heard of finicky cats. And some cats make clear their gustatory preferences by covering up the food bowl. Does it mean what you think? Read this article to see if you're right!More »
Home from the grocery, and before you can say "scat!" you catch your Fluffy-kins licking the plastic bags. If not caught in time, some cats even eat plastic. What's the attraction? And how can you cure this kitty foible? Learn tips in this article.More »
Do your cats eat green stuff? I don't mean the fake "peas" included in some commercial kibble. Sure, cats are carnivores, so why should they relish nibbling on houseplants? Is it healthy, is it safe, is it normal? Find out in this article about eating grass.More »
The technical term is flehmen but it sure looks like a feline sneer. It's doubtful you'll ever see your cat aim this sneer your way, as it's a reaction reserved for other cats-or rather, their invisible messages. Check out this article on this mysterious cat flehmen behavior.More »
When your cat "winks" at you, is he flirting? That might be one way to interpret the kitty eye communication, sometimes called a cat kiss. Refer to this article to learn why a cat eye blink is such a wonderful compliment.More »
Ready-set-GO! Those rear-treading paws rev the kitty engine right before a burst of speed, while the front paw treading (kneading) offers a more reflective emotion. What do cat treading and kneading really mean? Find out more in this article.More »
Does your cat want to phone home? Is kitty jealous of your time with the telephone? Why do cats seem to pester owners whenever they're on the phone? This quirky behavior has a logical explanation. Discover the reasons cats are fascinated by the phone.More »
1. Cat Rolling
Does your cat "flip"-that is, throw himself on the ground at your feet and roll? Is he under the influence of catnip, or is something else going on? This article explains why cats indulge in kitty somersaults.More »
2. Cat Bunting and Rubbing
Some cats act like battering rams, and pummel their special humans with head butts and body rubs. It’s called bunting behavior, and is one way cats communicate with each other, and their humans. Read this article to understand what she’s saying.More »
3. Cat Elevator Butt
Why do cats pose in this quirky front-end bow with their nether regions raised? I call it elevator butt, although there's a more polite technical name for the display. Learn what's going on when he raises his ass-ets.More »
4. Cat Butt Presentation
How rude! Isn't enough that kitty asks for a scratch with an elevator butt pose? What's up with presenting his tail to your face? Actually, your cat's action is a backhanded compliment and kitty-correct. This article explains what kitty butt presentation means.More »
5. Covering Poop
All cats do this. Or do they? Cats communicate volumes in the litter box and sometimes they want their (ahem) potty graffiti available for the world to see. Read the article to better understand the factors behind cats covering poop.More »
6. Covering Food
We've all heard of finicky cats. And some cats make clear their gustatory preferences by covering up the food bowl. Does it mean what you think? Read this article to see if you're right!More »
7. Eating Plastic
Home from the grocery, and before you can say "scat!" you catch your Fluffy-kins licking the plastic bags. If not caught in time, some cats even eat plastic. What's the attraction? And how can you cure this kitty foible? Learn tips in this article.More »
8. Eating Grass
Do your cats eat green stuff? I don't mean the fake "peas" included in some commercial kibble. Sure, cats are carnivores, so why should they relish nibbling on houseplants? Is it healthy, is it safe, is it normal? Find out in this article about eating grass.More »
9. Cat Sneer
The technical term is flehmen but it sure looks like a feline sneer. It's doubtful you'll ever see your cat aim this sneer your way, as it's a reaction reserved for other cats-or rather, their invisible messages. Check out this article on this mysterious cat flehmen behavior.More »
10. Kitty Eye Blink Kiss
When your cat "winks" at you, is he flirting? That might be one way to interpret the kitty eye communication, sometimes called a cat kiss. Refer to this article to learn why a cat eye blink is such a wonderful compliment.More »
11. Paw Treading
Ready-set-GO! Those rear-treading paws rev the kitty engine right before a burst of speed, while the front paw treading (kneading) offers a more reflective emotion. What do cat treading and kneading really mean? Find out more in this article.More »
12. Cats and Phone Calls
Does your cat want to phone home? Is kitty jealous of your time with the telephone? Why do cats seem to pester owners whenever they're on the phone? This quirky behavior has a logical explanation. Discover the reasons cats are fascinated by the phone.More »