PetLovers Connection
Pet Lovers and Enthusiasts Find Each Other for Dating and Friendship Via Web-Based Venue
BALTIMORE, Md., Sept. 17, 2004 -- PetLovers Connection announces its unique online service ( designed to help pet lovers and enthusiasts meet each other for dating, romance, friendship, camaraderie, or networking. Since its inception, the PetLovers Connection website has garnered subscribership on a national and international scale.
"We are the one-stop hub of interaction for individuals who are devoted to their pets and looking to connect with people who equally love their pets or who have similar interests locally and around the world," Janet Oquendo of PetLovers Connection stated.
By registering at, pet lovers have the opportunity to create a personal profile describing themselves for the site database. The database also includes information about the type and number of pets each registered user has.
Registered users can take this a step further by subscribing to the site. Subscribers are able to contact other subscribers directly through the website, enabling them to explore dating, share information about their favorite pets, build friendships, or even interview potential pet-sitters.
"We designed the site foremostly to be easy to use and enable pet lovers to connect with each other almost effortlessly," said Oquendo. "The secondary benefit has been the growth of a community of pet lovers who serve as resources to one another.
PetLovers Connection nurtures a sense of community among people with a common bond - a devotion to pets of all kinds."
An important feature of PetLovers Connection is that it breaks down the stereotypes and labels that sometimes arise in situations where everyone may not have comparable levels of dedication to pets. Oquendo commented, "People who consider pets integral members of their families feel right at home at People who devote most of their spare time rescuing animals also find common ground in the PetLovers community."
In addition, PetLovers Connection provides a venue where people with unusual pet interests can meet their match. Individuals who love tarantulas, iguanas, or exotic birds are in good company with horse aficianados and Rottweiler enthusiasts.
"There are no 'crazy cat lady' labels in the PetLovers Connection community," added Oquendo. "In this community, devotion to animals is an asset - not a source of ridicule or misunderstanding. People who might have a hard time meeting other people because of misconceptions about pet lovers can come to PetLovers Connection for a sense of understanding and mutual respect."
Features that are on the horizon at include a library of articles on topics such as pet care and dating for pet lovers, as well as a page containing links to animal rescue organizations and pet-related clubs.
Contact: Janet Oquendo
Vice President of Operations
PetLovers Connection
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Pet Lovers and Enthusiasts Find Each Other for Dating and Friendship Via Web-Based Venue
BALTIMORE, Md., Sept. 17, 2004 -- PetLovers Connection announces its unique online service ( designed to help pet lovers and enthusiasts meet each other for dating, romance, friendship, camaraderie, or networking. Since its inception, the PetLovers Connection website has garnered subscribership on a national and international scale.
"We are the one-stop hub of interaction for individuals who are devoted to their pets and looking to connect with people who equally love their pets or who have similar interests locally and around the world," Janet Oquendo of PetLovers Connection stated.
By registering at, pet lovers have the opportunity to create a personal profile describing themselves for the site database. The database also includes information about the type and number of pets each registered user has.
Registered users can take this a step further by subscribing to the site. Subscribers are able to contact other subscribers directly through the website, enabling them to explore dating, share information about their favorite pets, build friendships, or even interview potential pet-sitters.
"We designed the site foremostly to be easy to use and enable pet lovers to connect with each other almost effortlessly," said Oquendo. "The secondary benefit has been the growth of a community of pet lovers who serve as resources to one another.
PetLovers Connection nurtures a sense of community among people with a common bond - a devotion to pets of all kinds."
An important feature of PetLovers Connection is that it breaks down the stereotypes and labels that sometimes arise in situations where everyone may not have comparable levels of dedication to pets. Oquendo commented, "People who consider pets integral members of their families feel right at home at People who devote most of their spare time rescuing animals also find common ground in the PetLovers community."
In addition, PetLovers Connection provides a venue where people with unusual pet interests can meet their match. Individuals who love tarantulas, iguanas, or exotic birds are in good company with horse aficianados and Rottweiler enthusiasts.
"There are no 'crazy cat lady' labels in the PetLovers Connection community," added Oquendo. "In this community, devotion to animals is an asset - not a source of ridicule or misunderstanding. People who might have a hard time meeting other people because of misconceptions about pet lovers can come to PetLovers Connection for a sense of understanding and mutual respect."
Features that are on the horizon at include a library of articles on topics such as pet care and dating for pet lovers, as well as a page containing links to animal rescue organizations and pet-related clubs.
Contact: Janet Oquendo
Vice President of Operations
PetLovers Connection
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