What Do I Use to Clean Formica Cupboards?
- Most all-purpose cleaners that can be purchased from local home goods stores are effective on Formica countertops. Be sure to follow the directions on the label for best results. It is not necessary to rely on these solutions, especially if you wipe down your cupboards on a daily basis. In fact, repeated and excessive use can wear down the finish of your Formica. Instead, wipe fresh mess up quickly with water and a sponge or with a small amount of dish soap.
- If you are unsure about using strong chemicals on your Formica finish, you can opt instead for more natural, homemade solutions. For example, white distilled vinegar is readily available in most grocery stores. It is a powerful cleaning solution when mixed in equal parts with water. For grease and set-in stains, lemon juice and salt can be applied to the surface and allowed to set for several minutes before wiping away with a cloth and water.
- For ordinary cupboard cleaning, non-abrasive cleaning supplies are sufficient. A house sponge can treat mess without causing permanent damage to the surface. Instead of a sponge, you can use a terrycloth dish towel, soft-bristled scrub brush, paper towel or linen rag.
- In rare instances of set-in stains or buildup, abrasive cleaning solutions might be necessary. For example, if you have baked-on food or grease that has been in place on the surface for a long period of time, or if excess adhesive has dried onto the surface of the Formica, you will need to scrub the area with steel wool or a sturdy scrub brush. This should be a last resort, however, because it could cause permanent damage to the finish. Try treating the mess with nail polish remover. Let the acetone-based cleaner set for several minutes, then scrape away with a straight blade.
Chemical Cleaners
Natural Solutions
Non-Abrasive Tools
Abrasive Cleaners