I Couldn"t Make Women Climax With My SMALL 5.5 Inch Penis, So I Took Steps To Become Bigger
I used to be endowed at only 5.
5 inches long and 5 inches around.
I never was able make women climax through intercourse alone, and one woman told me point blank that my small penis was to blame and she couldn't really "feel any friction" while I was thrusting.
I did my research and got on an enlargement plan that worked for me, and it really has made a huge difference in my sex life.
Whether some men want to admit it or not, size does matter.
Women climax through direct stimulation of their clitoris and the nerve endings inside their vagina.
The amount of friction you can create on these nerve endings while you are thrusting plays a huge role not only in how powerful her climax will be, but whether or not she will climax at all.
Give her inadequate stimulation and you will do nothing but leave her frustrated.
What I have noticed now that I have become well hung is that I can thrust naturally when I'm having sex with a girl, not having to worry about doing it in a certain way to compensate for my penis size, because any position I do will give her intense sensations.
I am always able to involve the clitoris using just my penis, because I have enough girth to bring it into play.
There are several penis enlargement methods out there, but the one I used was hand exercises.
I chose it over pills and surgery because unlike those two, there weren't any exorbitant costs, and there weren't any safety risks or side-effects.
I just did traction exercises on my penis for ten minutes per day, and once I reached my size goals, I was able to stop and I will never lose any of my gains.
I even started seeing my first permanent size gains within just two weeks!
5 inches long and 5 inches around.
I never was able make women climax through intercourse alone, and one woman told me point blank that my small penis was to blame and she couldn't really "feel any friction" while I was thrusting.
I did my research and got on an enlargement plan that worked for me, and it really has made a huge difference in my sex life.
Whether some men want to admit it or not, size does matter.
Women climax through direct stimulation of their clitoris and the nerve endings inside their vagina.
The amount of friction you can create on these nerve endings while you are thrusting plays a huge role not only in how powerful her climax will be, but whether or not she will climax at all.
Give her inadequate stimulation and you will do nothing but leave her frustrated.
What I have noticed now that I have become well hung is that I can thrust naturally when I'm having sex with a girl, not having to worry about doing it in a certain way to compensate for my penis size, because any position I do will give her intense sensations.
I am always able to involve the clitoris using just my penis, because I have enough girth to bring it into play.
There are several penis enlargement methods out there, but the one I used was hand exercises.
I chose it over pills and surgery because unlike those two, there weren't any exorbitant costs, and there weren't any safety risks or side-effects.
I just did traction exercises on my penis for ten minutes per day, and once I reached my size goals, I was able to stop and I will never lose any of my gains.
I even started seeing my first permanent size gains within just two weeks!