How to Remove Strippable Wallpaper
- 1). Use a putty knife to gently lift the bottom left edge of one strip of wallpaper. You can itentify a strip by either looking where the wallpaper patterns do not match or running your fingers along the wall, feeling for the location where two strips' edges meet.
- 2). Pull the wallpaper slowly and gently up from the corner toward the strip's center. Because the width is smaller than the length, the bottom edge of the strip will eventually free itself.
- 3). Grab the bottom of the wallpaper strip with both hands. Do not pull the strip toward you, tearing it away from the wall. Instead, lift the bottom edge up the wall toward the top edge. The piece of the strip still attached to the wall and the piece not attached to the wall are now parallel.
- 4). Continue to pull upward gently on the paper until the entire strip is removed. To keep the two sections of the strip parallel, stand at equal height with the strip the entire time. This may require shorter people to use a stool.
- 5). Use a rough bristle brush to remove any wallpaper liner that remains on the wall.