How to Edit Pictures & Put Circles Around Them
- 1). Open an image in Paint by clicking "File," then selecting "Open" and browsing to a photo on your computer. Click the paintbrush tool, select the medium round brush head and choose a paint color from the "Color Picker" at the bottom of the screen. Add brushstrokes to your picture, for example making black lines over something you want to hide. Click the eraser tool, then run your cursor over an area of the picture, which removes that part of the picture, leaving a white mark. Click the "Circle" tool and choose the first option, the hollow rectangle. Click a circle color, then draw a circle around the picture.
- 2). Open Publisher and click "Blank Publications." Double-click a page size slightly larger than your image, such as the preset index-card size if your photo is small: the page opens in your workspace. Click the "Insert" menu and choose "Picture," then "From File." Browse to the photo on your computer and double-click it so it opens on the page. If it is larger than the page, grab a corner and shrink it down. Right-click the picture and select "Format Picture." On the "Picture" tab, pull down the "Color" drop-down menu and select "Washout," which will fade your image, then click "OK." Click the "Circle" tool all the way on the left side of the "Tools" palette. Draw a circle around the picture, then right-click it and select "Format AutoShape." Pull down the "Line Color" menu and select a color for the circle's outline. Nudge the "Weight" setting up or down to make the circle thinner or thicker.
- 3). Open your image in Photoshop. Click the clone tool, which looks like a stamp such as the kind used to cancel checks. Hover the stamp near an area of the photo to edit, such as a dust speck or a bird that flew into your sky shot. Press and hold down the "Alt" key, then click your mouse and lift your finger. This stores the "good" area into memory. Place your cursor directly over the blemished spot and click once, which covers up the bad spot with the copied area, as if the dust speck or bird had never been there. Click the "Image" menu, then choose "Adjust" and "Hue/Saturation." Move the "Hue" slider bar to the left or right to edit the picture's colors. Click the "Circle" tool on the "Tools" palette; if you don't see the circle, look for a hollow rectangle or line: these tools all share the same square. Use your mouse to draw a circle around the image.