How to File a Civil Complaint in District Court in Royersford, Pennsylvania
- 1). Determine whether your case is one that satisfies the jurisdictional limitations of the magisterial district courts. They are courts of limited jurisdiction. They can only handle small claims cases and certain civil disputes. If your case does not meet the jurisdictional requirements, you must bring your case to the Court of Common Pleas. The district courts do not hear jury trials.
- 2). Prepare the complaint. Download a sample form from the website of the Pennsylvania courts. The court requires that you use the form they provide. Complete the form and use the space provided to set out the facts that constitute your claim against the defendant. The form should also contain the name and address of the defendant and the amount of money in controversy.
- 3). Deliver two copies of the complaint to the courthouse along with the filing fee. The fee will vary based on the type of case and the amount in controversy. As of July 2011, the filing fee ranges between $37.50 and $82.50. One copy of the complaint with the original signature is the magisterial judge's copy. One copy will be served on the defendant.
- 4). Serve the complaint on the defendant. The defendant is entitled to notice that he has a case pending against him and notice of the court appearance date. The magisterial district judge will issue a court date at the time you file the complaint. You will have to pay a fee to the sheriff or constable if you choose to use their services to serve the complaint on the defendant.