How to Remove OpenOffice From a New Menu
- 1). Click "Start" and "All programs" to navigate to the new menu holding your OpenOffice software folder.
- 2). Look at your current menu structure and determine if you want to move the OpenOffice folder to a nearby menu directory, such as a custom menu dedicated to business programs, drop it into the main Programs menu as a singular item or remove it entirely.
- 3). Click one time on the main OpenOffice entry in your new menu and hold the mouse or pointer button down. Drag the OpenOffice folder and its subfolders to its new location within your menu structure. A translucent copy of the folder image tracks the position of the folder as you drag it across other areas on the screen.
- 4). Release the mouse button or pointer when the translucent OpenOffice image is hovering above the location you want the folder to remain at outside of your new menu.