Gestational Diabetes Symptoms Including Institutional Exercise and Diet Care During Pregnancy
As explained in the abstract, gestational diabetes is a condition similar to type 2 diabetes and occurs during pregnancy.
The common treatment is exercises to reduce unnecessary weight, supervised diet and in extreme cases administration of anti-diabetic drugs or even insulin.
This condition is cured after childbirth although later the mother might develop type 2 diabetes and the child is prone to childhood obesity or even children diabetes including jaundice and hypoglycemia.
Pregnancy diabetes frequency in population varies between 1-14% according to the type of society targeted.
Definition This type of diabetes diabetes is defined as, any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.
This definition takes care to cover whether the subject had diabetes previously but was diagnosed during pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes is the prevalent complication during pregnancy and if not diagnosed early can lead to severe consequences to both child and the mother Causes of gestational diabetes During pregnancy, many changes occur to the body to compensate for growth of the fetus.
Hormones and other influences create insulin resistance preventing glucose entry into cells.
This obviously leads to high blood sugar.
The pancreas increase production of more insulin while the pregnancy hormones increase the resistance creating a vicious circle.
Mothers with normal pancreatic function usually overcome this insulin resistance by meeting the required demand.
Patients with suspect pancreatic function are strained to match the demand thus ending up producing less than required insulin and the result is gestational diabetes which is very similar to type 2 diabetes.
When there is increase of blood sugar during pregnancy, there is high risk of miscarriage, premature birth, congenital defects, fetal distress, possibility of stillbirth or cesarean section delivery option.
When the baby is born, it might have growth defects and chemical imbalances.
There is also risk of low blood sugar, low blood calcium, low blood magnesium, abnormal red blood count and jaundice.
Women with gestational diabetes mellitus later develop type 2 diabetes.
They have higher risk for contracting hyperlipidemia, hypertension or even mortality.
Lipid defects eventually lead to cardiovascular complications.
Treatment The procedural treatment aims at reducing the complications brought about by pregnancy diabetes .
By controlling the blood sugar during pregnancy, less complications are experienced.
A good diet should provide enough calories during gestation period.
Carbohydrate intake should be spread over the whole day to avoid fluctuations of blood sugar.
Carbohydrates should be avoided in the morning because this when insulin resistance has been noticed to peak.
Soluble fiber is most important because it provides a feeling of fullness while increasing insulin receptors and their response.
As pointed out earlier, incase diet and exercise control is not effective, insulin is introduced under close medical supervision.
A recent research has concluded the breastfeeding can help prevent diabetes and other complication to both baby and the mother.
Gestational diabetes has few symptoms and is discovered during screening when pregnant.
Blood sugar screening should be done as a priority to every pregnant woman.
Development of edema in initial stages of pregnancy and extreme weight increase point to likely development of gestational diabetes.
The common treatment is exercises to reduce unnecessary weight, supervised diet and in extreme cases administration of anti-diabetic drugs or even insulin.
This condition is cured after childbirth although later the mother might develop type 2 diabetes and the child is prone to childhood obesity or even children diabetes including jaundice and hypoglycemia.
Pregnancy diabetes frequency in population varies between 1-14% according to the type of society targeted.
Definition This type of diabetes diabetes is defined as, any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.
This definition takes care to cover whether the subject had diabetes previously but was diagnosed during pregnancy.
Gestational diabetes is the prevalent complication during pregnancy and if not diagnosed early can lead to severe consequences to both child and the mother Causes of gestational diabetes During pregnancy, many changes occur to the body to compensate for growth of the fetus.
Hormones and other influences create insulin resistance preventing glucose entry into cells.
This obviously leads to high blood sugar.
The pancreas increase production of more insulin while the pregnancy hormones increase the resistance creating a vicious circle.
Mothers with normal pancreatic function usually overcome this insulin resistance by meeting the required demand.
Patients with suspect pancreatic function are strained to match the demand thus ending up producing less than required insulin and the result is gestational diabetes which is very similar to type 2 diabetes.
When there is increase of blood sugar during pregnancy, there is high risk of miscarriage, premature birth, congenital defects, fetal distress, possibility of stillbirth or cesarean section delivery option.
When the baby is born, it might have growth defects and chemical imbalances.
There is also risk of low blood sugar, low blood calcium, low blood magnesium, abnormal red blood count and jaundice.
Women with gestational diabetes mellitus later develop type 2 diabetes.
They have higher risk for contracting hyperlipidemia, hypertension or even mortality.
Lipid defects eventually lead to cardiovascular complications.
Treatment The procedural treatment aims at reducing the complications brought about by pregnancy diabetes .
By controlling the blood sugar during pregnancy, less complications are experienced.
A good diet should provide enough calories during gestation period.
Carbohydrate intake should be spread over the whole day to avoid fluctuations of blood sugar.
Carbohydrates should be avoided in the morning because this when insulin resistance has been noticed to peak.
Soluble fiber is most important because it provides a feeling of fullness while increasing insulin receptors and their response.
As pointed out earlier, incase diet and exercise control is not effective, insulin is introduced under close medical supervision.
A recent research has concluded the breastfeeding can help prevent diabetes and other complication to both baby and the mother.
Gestational diabetes has few symptoms and is discovered during screening when pregnant.
Blood sugar screening should be done as a priority to every pregnant woman.
Development of edema in initial stages of pregnancy and extreme weight increase point to likely development of gestational diabetes.