The Budwig Diet Protocols
- The Budwig Diet is an alternative treatment for the symptoms of cancer.healthy foods image by Steve Lovegrove from
The Budwig Diet was created by Dr. Joanna Budwig to help prevent and treat cancer and other ailments. According to the Budwig Center website, the Basic Rule with the Budwig diet is "if God made it, then it's fine and try to eat it in the same form that God made it." - The cornerstone of the Budwig diet is referred to as the quark and is a combination of flaxseed oil and low-fat, organic cottage cheese. These must be eaten together to reap their many healing benefits. Combine 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil with 2 tablespoons or more of low-fat, organic cottage cheese. Fruit and other approved foods can be added to this combination if you desire.
- All of the foods on the approved list must be consumed in their most natural state. Stevia and honey are acceptable sweeteners to use while on the Budwig program. Enjoy herbs as long as they are pure, without additives or pesticides. All natural, unroasted nuts are approved, with the exception of peanuts. All seeds are approved for consumption while on the program, as is raw, unprocessed coconut. Whole-grain bread and other items made with whole grain flour can also be enjoyed.
- While on the Budwig diet, avoid all white sugar and flour, as well as all foods made with these ingredients, including store-bought pies and cakes. Do not consume hydrogenated oils, trans-fats or animal fats. Avoid pork and all pork products, including bacon. Seafood should also be avoided. White pasta should not be eaten while on this diet, and ice cream and most dairy products, with the exception of cottage cheese, should be avoided.
Approved Foods
Foods To Avoid