How to Safely Use The Online/Internet Banking And Also Protect Yourself Against Tricksters?
53 million internet users or 44% of the internet community use internet or online banking for processing their own transaction. There is a staggering 47% increase in online users as compared to the total number of American online user according to online banking report 2005.
Two very significant factors play a very important role in explaining this unprecedented increase in the use of online banking services:-
1)There is the availability of internet itself. With broadband in most homes, more and more people are using the internet and are therefore more comfortable with it. The initial fear of this technology is being replaced with the positive benefits that internet brings to everyone.
Research suggests that the 28 to 39 year old age group are more likely to use the online banking service. This makes sense because this sector of the market is made up of high earners. It is no co-incidence that this age group; by virtue of their familiarity with this technology, use the internet and online banking so that they can make better use of their time.
2)Online or internet banking offers the flexibility and the ease with which one can conduct ones financial affairs online. Imagine the scenario, you are on a train from Inverness in Scotland to London and you have 6 hours before you board a plane to Atlanta.
There is an argument for you to connect your laptop to the internet via your data card on your phone to sort things out before reaching the airport. I have heard of people working frantically to finish things off because they are leaving to go on holiday or going on business.
There is no need to rush around because the internet is here and that means you can log into your online banking account from any where in the world and do the business. Your password is your access to your own online account and the rest is just a couple of clicks away.
If I can pay all my bills online, transfer money between my other accounts and increase my monthly mortgage instalment this month because of windfall, where is the downside?
There are security and safe transactions issues associated with internet banking such as:-
1)People steeling your identity by hacking into your account and then spending your money. This problem is not as wide spread as media would suggest.
2)You giving your account information to unscrupulous online tricksters. You can fall prey to e-mail scams asking you to update your information because of some security issues. Such e-mails can persuade you to pass your sensitive account details for fraudsters to copy, sell and distribute to criminals across the world. 3)If you keep your account/password information in your wallet then in the event of your wallet being stolen or lost your secure data can end up finding itself in the hands of criminals..
Finally, the benefits of online banking out way the disadvantages of this service. You can minimise the risk of fraud by implementing your own security. Simple measures to keep your account information to yourself like memorising your password and not replying to e-mails asking for your information to be updated will go a long way to protect you against online fraud. If hackers hack into the banks security system and steel all your money then the bank's own insurance will make your loss good. So there is no issue there for you to be concerned about.
Two very significant factors play a very important role in explaining this unprecedented increase in the use of online banking services:-
1)There is the availability of internet itself. With broadband in most homes, more and more people are using the internet and are therefore more comfortable with it. The initial fear of this technology is being replaced with the positive benefits that internet brings to everyone.
Research suggests that the 28 to 39 year old age group are more likely to use the online banking service. This makes sense because this sector of the market is made up of high earners. It is no co-incidence that this age group; by virtue of their familiarity with this technology, use the internet and online banking so that they can make better use of their time.
2)Online or internet banking offers the flexibility and the ease with which one can conduct ones financial affairs online. Imagine the scenario, you are on a train from Inverness in Scotland to London and you have 6 hours before you board a plane to Atlanta.
There is an argument for you to connect your laptop to the internet via your data card on your phone to sort things out before reaching the airport. I have heard of people working frantically to finish things off because they are leaving to go on holiday or going on business.
There is no need to rush around because the internet is here and that means you can log into your online banking account from any where in the world and do the business. Your password is your access to your own online account and the rest is just a couple of clicks away.
If I can pay all my bills online, transfer money between my other accounts and increase my monthly mortgage instalment this month because of windfall, where is the downside?
There are security and safe transactions issues associated with internet banking such as:-
1)People steeling your identity by hacking into your account and then spending your money. This problem is not as wide spread as media would suggest.
2)You giving your account information to unscrupulous online tricksters. You can fall prey to e-mail scams asking you to update your information because of some security issues. Such e-mails can persuade you to pass your sensitive account details for fraudsters to copy, sell and distribute to criminals across the world. 3)If you keep your account/password information in your wallet then in the event of your wallet being stolen or lost your secure data can end up finding itself in the hands of criminals..
Finally, the benefits of online banking out way the disadvantages of this service. You can minimise the risk of fraud by implementing your own security. Simple measures to keep your account information to yourself like memorising your password and not replying to e-mails asking for your information to be updated will go a long way to protect you against online fraud. If hackers hack into the banks security system and steel all your money then the bank's own insurance will make your loss good. So there is no issue there for you to be concerned about.