How to Clear the Windows Update Cache in Vista
- 1). Go to "Start" menu and type "notepad" in the search box. Press the "Enter" key once you see the Notepad listing.
- 2). Type "CD \" on the first line followed by "CD %windir%" on the second line. On the third line, type "CD SoftwareDistribution" and then "DEL / F / S / Q Download" on the last line. Do not include the quotation marks in any of the lines.
- 3). Click the "File" menu and click "Save." In the "Save As" dialog, click the "Save as type" combo box and click "All Files." Type any name in the "File name" text box and put ".bat" at the end of it, without quotes. For instance, you can make the file name "clearcache.bat." Browse to your desktop using the dialog so you can quickly access the file and click the "Save" button to create the batch script.
- 4). Right click on the new file you just created and click "Run as administrator" to immediately clear the Windows Update cache.