A Look At The World of Warcraft Character The Mage
Masters of Arcane magic, the mages of the kirin tor were spread out across the continents following the decimation of dalaran by the burning leigon. Mages in the world of warcraft come down from influential, powerful inhabitants of azeroth, which used their extraordinary powers to shape politics. Jaina Proudmoore, one of the key figures in the warcraft plot line, is the most powerful mage still alive, with her abilities possibly surpassed by the spirit of medivh. Mages are a magic-using class who use a host of magic-based power to strike their enemies.
Although they can deal large amounts of damage in a short period of time, related to rogues, survival is hard due to their low amount of hit points. However, the mage class's combat tactics, survivability, control, and damage differ drastically depending on how their talents are allocated.
Mages also have the unusual ability to teleport themselves and their party to any of their faction's major cities and, in the burning crusade expansion, all mages can teleport and make a portal to the neutral shattrath City in Outland. They can conjure items such as food and water which can be traded with other players, making them useful in 'endgame' raiding. They can also create mana gems with which they can use to replenish mana whilst in combat.
The arcane tree gives "utility" talents, such as passive increases and bonuses to mana, silences added to spells, and increased armor. At higher levels, the arcane tree offers powerful spells designed to maximize the mage's damage potential, which gives the mage class the highest burst damage in the game (with appropriate gear). To balance this raw power, the spells have cool downs during which the mage cannot use them. The fire tree focuses on fire spells, which increases the raw damage and enhances the utility of their spells, offering very powerful area-of-effect spells.
Combat usually focuses on unloading a host of high-damage critical strikes in a short amount of time, usually giving the opponent no chance to react. The frost tree offers more control in the form of slowing and freezing opponents, and offers better survivability due to ice shields and elemental minions. Nonetheless, the frost tree can deal out a fair amount of damage when a fight is controlled by the mage. It does not rely on cooldowns like the arcane tree, or initial control of the fight, as in fire. Rather, frost has slightly lower burst damage potential.
Mages are the most effective class at area of effect spells, which allow them to attack multiple targets at once. Mages also have the ability to transform an unfriendly target into a harmless sheep. Pig and turtle transformations are attainable by acquiring special spellbooks. The target remains in this animal form and is not in control of his or her actions unless they take any damage, the spell wears off or is dispelled.
Although they can deal large amounts of damage in a short period of time, related to rogues, survival is hard due to their low amount of hit points. However, the mage class's combat tactics, survivability, control, and damage differ drastically depending on how their talents are allocated.
Mages also have the unusual ability to teleport themselves and their party to any of their faction's major cities and, in the burning crusade expansion, all mages can teleport and make a portal to the neutral shattrath City in Outland. They can conjure items such as food and water which can be traded with other players, making them useful in 'endgame' raiding. They can also create mana gems with which they can use to replenish mana whilst in combat.
The arcane tree gives "utility" talents, such as passive increases and bonuses to mana, silences added to spells, and increased armor. At higher levels, the arcane tree offers powerful spells designed to maximize the mage's damage potential, which gives the mage class the highest burst damage in the game (with appropriate gear). To balance this raw power, the spells have cool downs during which the mage cannot use them. The fire tree focuses on fire spells, which increases the raw damage and enhances the utility of their spells, offering very powerful area-of-effect spells.
Combat usually focuses on unloading a host of high-damage critical strikes in a short amount of time, usually giving the opponent no chance to react. The frost tree offers more control in the form of slowing and freezing opponents, and offers better survivability due to ice shields and elemental minions. Nonetheless, the frost tree can deal out a fair amount of damage when a fight is controlled by the mage. It does not rely on cooldowns like the arcane tree, or initial control of the fight, as in fire. Rather, frost has slightly lower burst damage potential.
Mages are the most effective class at area of effect spells, which allow them to attack multiple targets at once. Mages also have the ability to transform an unfriendly target into a harmless sheep. Pig and turtle transformations are attainable by acquiring special spellbooks. The target remains in this animal form and is not in control of his or her actions unless they take any damage, the spell wears off or is dispelled.