Dog Mange & Scabies
- The parasite Sarcoptes scabiei causes canine scabies. Dogs can get mange from coming into contact with an infected animal, or, since the mite can live for days off the animal, from infected surroundings.
- According to the University of Florida Extension Service, canine scabies starts out as reddish, inflamed bumps on the edges of the ears, the groin and under the arms. Dogs become furiously itchy, frequently biting themselves and scratching until they are bloody. Hair loss is common.
- Because mange can be confused with flea bites, diagnosis is sometimes difficult. Getting a skin scraping can help veterinarians identify the mite under a microscope.
- Mange treatments consist of a monthly application of a topical solution and medicated sprays.
- The best prevention is to keep the pet well-groomed and nourished. Eliminating interactions with mangy animals will also help prevent infection.