It"s Time to Kick the Smoking Habit
Ever wanted to quit smoking? Chances are you've tried to kick this nasty habit numerous times.
Well you should try again because putting cigarettes away for good is a matter of persistence and will power.
Motivation for quitting is all around you.
Search the internet, talk to friends and family, it's impossible not to hear a story about someone who died recently from a smoking related disease.
So why subject yourself to all the risks that smoking involves.
Did you know that 87 percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking? And if you thought that lung cancer is the only thing to fear then think again because smoking is also responsible for heart and blood vessel disease, stroke and cataracts as well as numerous types of deadly cancer.
The addictiveness of tobacco is caused by nicotine, a powerful narcotic, as addictive as heroin and cocaine.
But the health benefits of putting cigarettes away for good are far greater than the problems you will face trying to quit.
Just think about it.
You will increase your life span.
You will look and feel younger and healthier, you will smell better, and everyone around you will perceive you as a more responsible person.
There are also financial benefits to quitting smoking.
Think about all the things you cold buy with the money that you are literally burning right now.
So if you've decided to quit let me give you some tips on how to make it easier.
First of all try to be as relaxed as you can on quitting day.
Try to stay away from smokers and places where you used to associate smoking with fun.
Try to be more active - jog, swim or go to the gym.
And a final piece of advice: constantly remind yourself of the benefits that will follow quitting smoking.
Well you should try again because putting cigarettes away for good is a matter of persistence and will power.
Motivation for quitting is all around you.
Search the internet, talk to friends and family, it's impossible not to hear a story about someone who died recently from a smoking related disease.
So why subject yourself to all the risks that smoking involves.
Did you know that 87 percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking? And if you thought that lung cancer is the only thing to fear then think again because smoking is also responsible for heart and blood vessel disease, stroke and cataracts as well as numerous types of deadly cancer.
The addictiveness of tobacco is caused by nicotine, a powerful narcotic, as addictive as heroin and cocaine.
But the health benefits of putting cigarettes away for good are far greater than the problems you will face trying to quit.
Just think about it.
You will increase your life span.
You will look and feel younger and healthier, you will smell better, and everyone around you will perceive you as a more responsible person.
There are also financial benefits to quitting smoking.
Think about all the things you cold buy with the money that you are literally burning right now.
So if you've decided to quit let me give you some tips on how to make it easier.
First of all try to be as relaxed as you can on quitting day.
Try to stay away from smokers and places where you used to associate smoking with fun.
Try to be more active - jog, swim or go to the gym.
And a final piece of advice: constantly remind yourself of the benefits that will follow quitting smoking.