What Are the Major Events in "All the Lovely Bad Ones"?
- The story opens with Travis and Corey's arrival in Vermont from New York, where they are to spend the summer with their grandmother at the historic Fox Hill Inn. They meet the inn staff and settle into their summer home. It turns out the inn has a long history of ghost sightings. Travis and Corey decide to play pranks on guests, imitating the supposed ghosts of Fox Hill.
- Travis and Corey dress up and haunt the halls of the inn at night, giving guests a good scare and sending them home with stories. Soon, Travis hears and sees things he cannot explain in the grove, a part of the property known to be particularly haunted, and becomes concerned that they're not the only ones haunting Fox Hill. Professional ghost hunters and psychics arrive, and the children confess their prank. By now, however, the real ghosts of Fox Hill seem to have awakened. A few more strange encounters convince everyone at the inn that the haunting is real and upon them.
- As guests flee from too much ghost commotion, the children, ghost hunters and an older couple who work at the inn stay behind. Travis and Corey decide that they must stay through the summer and learn what these ghosts want, so they can let the spirits rest. An encounter with several ghosts frightens the siblings, but strengthens their resolve to finish what they unwittingly started. They take to the local library to study the history of Fox Hill, with the help of three unruly ghost children.
- The ghost children, led by the eldest, Seth, teach Travis and Corey about Miss Ada and her brother, former inn owners who mistreated and abused the children, hoarded money for herself, lied to authorities and eventually let them die in the cold outside. The ghosts who haunt the inn, Travis and Corey are told, are those of Miss Ada and the children she fatally neglected generations ago.
- Travis and Corey decide to dig up the hidden graves of Miss Ada and the children, in order to prove their story and honor their lives, thus settling their spirits and freeing the Fox Hill Inn of its haunting. The children discover more than they bargained for when a secret burial ground turns up under the grove. An old ledger book reveals dozens of people who died at Fox Hill and were forgotten.
Welcome to Fox Hill
The Plan Works
What do They Want?
The Truth is Told
The Dig