Identifying Kidney Stone Symptoms and Choosing the Proper Treatment
The first symptoms of kidney stone to be described by a patient would be the "pain never experienced before.
" This pain is often identified as being in the lower back area, the side, the abdomen or the genitals.
Similar pains are experienced by those suffering from other ailments such as appendicitis and hernia.
That is why doctors are not quick to assume that a patient is suffering from kidney stones unless the proper tests have been performed.
What most people don't know is that the stone could have been there a long time before any of the symptoms may have presented themselves.
The stones form in the kidneys, but as long as the stones remain in the kidney, or are washed along with the urine while they are small, than nothing happens.
If it does stay within the kidneys though, the stones grow in size because other sediments will attach themselves to it.
Once it moves, then people experience the kidney stone symptoms.
The pain comes when the stone travels down to the urethra, and it gets worse if it gets stuck somewhere along the way, prohibiting the passage of urine.
Other kidney stone symptoms may include blood in the urine, as well as a sick feeling in the stomach which may lead to vomiting.
The blood may be from the stone's travel through the ureters before they are excreted, or it may come from its long stay in the kidneys.
Most doctors would tell a patient to simply wait until the stones are just passed out naturally through urine.
This is the safest way to treat and get rid of the stones.
The sad part about this treatment is, the only thing that is really working is the excessive water that will be prescribed.
The other prescription will be over the counter pain medication, which will just aid the patient through the pain and not very well.
What patients need to do is get a recipe of natural ingredients that they could take in order to break down the stones.
Passing the stones is okay, but the wait time for the kidney stones to leave will be three to four weeks.
If one can take something that would soften the stones until they turn into sludge, then what doctors say would take weeks should only take days.
There does exist such a recipe, and this would help get rid of all kidney stones without taking a month.
" This pain is often identified as being in the lower back area, the side, the abdomen or the genitals.
Similar pains are experienced by those suffering from other ailments such as appendicitis and hernia.
That is why doctors are not quick to assume that a patient is suffering from kidney stones unless the proper tests have been performed.
What most people don't know is that the stone could have been there a long time before any of the symptoms may have presented themselves.
The stones form in the kidneys, but as long as the stones remain in the kidney, or are washed along with the urine while they are small, than nothing happens.
If it does stay within the kidneys though, the stones grow in size because other sediments will attach themselves to it.
Once it moves, then people experience the kidney stone symptoms.
The pain comes when the stone travels down to the urethra, and it gets worse if it gets stuck somewhere along the way, prohibiting the passage of urine.
Other kidney stone symptoms may include blood in the urine, as well as a sick feeling in the stomach which may lead to vomiting.
The blood may be from the stone's travel through the ureters before they are excreted, or it may come from its long stay in the kidneys.
Most doctors would tell a patient to simply wait until the stones are just passed out naturally through urine.
This is the safest way to treat and get rid of the stones.
The sad part about this treatment is, the only thing that is really working is the excessive water that will be prescribed.
The other prescription will be over the counter pain medication, which will just aid the patient through the pain and not very well.
What patients need to do is get a recipe of natural ingredients that they could take in order to break down the stones.
Passing the stones is okay, but the wait time for the kidney stones to leave will be three to four weeks.
If one can take something that would soften the stones until they turn into sludge, then what doctors say would take weeks should only take days.
There does exist such a recipe, and this would help get rid of all kidney stones without taking a month.