Practical and Useful Equipments for Outdoor Sports
Today, more and more young people like wild adventure. They'd like to pursue the exciting life. They hope to relax themselves from body to mind through the way of getting close to nature. However, adventure travel has some risks. To reduce the risk of the journey, you'd better equip yourself with the practical and useful outdoor gear.
Those equipments may give you some help:
Diving Camera
This wide-angle camera is very practical for those diving experts and researchers. They can use it to take photos for the stunning panoramic view under the Arctic ice beach, or record the close-up pictures when the shark goes headlong into the water. The camera is fixed on the top of the snorkel which can come in handy while people are desperately swimming to survive.
Emergent inflatable snow shoes
If you are trapped in the middle of two trees or get sinking into the snow and can not get out in skiing, this emergent inflatable snow shoes will come in handy. These shoes can't be used as the real snow shoes, only in emergency situations. After testing, these puncture-proof shoes can be inflated with mouth which is very convenient.
Hammock tent
If you plan to enter a horseflies infested jungle, some external protection is necessary. Bring an integrated hammock tent for yourself. It will provide you an overhead protection from four sides which is practical for our winter sports, adventure, shooting or wildlife hunting travel.
Ultimate satellite phone
The outer case of this satellite phone is waterproof, shockproof and dustproof. The battery of the phone can ensure 11 hours call and in GSM mode, it can stand 160 hours. When your eyes become invisible because of the snow or sunshine, this phone is also equipped with an advanced light sensor for outdoor display. The built-in micro browser can also make you browse the websites. For people who like adventure, whether you are in the city or in the mountains, for the GSM and satellite capabilities, just this phone can get.
Mosquito proof shirt
This shirt is made of pest proof material registered in the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Through testing, it is proved that it has a good effect in preventing mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies and chiggers. It can be continually washed for 70 times with odorless repellant.
With above practical equipment, I believe that it will add more guarantee for the safety during your adventure journey .
Those equipments may give you some help:
Diving Camera
This wide-angle camera is very practical for those diving experts and researchers. They can use it to take photos for the stunning panoramic view under the Arctic ice beach, or record the close-up pictures when the shark goes headlong into the water. The camera is fixed on the top of the snorkel which can come in handy while people are desperately swimming to survive.
Emergent inflatable snow shoes
If you are trapped in the middle of two trees or get sinking into the snow and can not get out in skiing, this emergent inflatable snow shoes will come in handy. These shoes can't be used as the real snow shoes, only in emergency situations. After testing, these puncture-proof shoes can be inflated with mouth which is very convenient.
Hammock tent
If you plan to enter a horseflies infested jungle, some external protection is necessary. Bring an integrated hammock tent for yourself. It will provide you an overhead protection from four sides which is practical for our winter sports, adventure, shooting or wildlife hunting travel.
Ultimate satellite phone
The outer case of this satellite phone is waterproof, shockproof and dustproof. The battery of the phone can ensure 11 hours call and in GSM mode, it can stand 160 hours. When your eyes become invisible because of the snow or sunshine, this phone is also equipped with an advanced light sensor for outdoor display. The built-in micro browser can also make you browse the websites. For people who like adventure, whether you are in the city or in the mountains, for the GSM and satellite capabilities, just this phone can get.
Mosquito proof shirt
This shirt is made of pest proof material registered in the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Through testing, it is proved that it has a good effect in preventing mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies and chiggers. It can be continually washed for 70 times with odorless repellant.
With above practical equipment, I believe that it will add more guarantee for the safety during your adventure journey .