Obscure Costumes Inspired From Movies
Every year millions of people dress up for one occasion or another, be it Halloween, Day of the Dead, the Fourth of July, Mardi Gras, or a host of celebrations. Dressing up allows people to cut loose more than they normally would as they embody the person or thing they are trying to represent. More often than not, people look to movies for inspiration in their costumes, and these are some suggestions that may be a little off the radar.
Pixar makes hit movie after hit movie with characters that are timeless as they are loveable. One of my personal favorites is Heimlich, the giant yet innocent and kind caterpillar from A Bugs Life. His thick German accent is all too fun to recreate and your jovial spirit that exudes from you is contagious to those around you. A big plus, you can eat as much as you want while being Heimlich and you are just being part of the costume. When coming up with the materials, think big, fluffy, and green. Extra red sneakers attached to the body will represent his extra legs, and dont forget his rosy red cheeks!
Sculpted Rose Bush
How many people dress up as Johnny Depp as Edward Scissor Hands every Halloween? Hundreds? Thousands?! Booooring! Get obscure and have some fun with all those people when you dress up as one of his rose bush sculptures. Stick some scissors in the costume to get the point across, and for a big plus make it a couples costume with your boo dressing up as ESH.
The Power Loader from Alien
This costume might be seen a lot more after a picture and video of one awesome dad went viral, but its too hilarious not too include. The father made an incredibly elaborate costume for the loader, and his baby was strapped into the controlling bay which made for a great illusion. If you do not have a baby of your own, borrow a friends! Just kidding, make it so your head has a doll body and make an illusion of your own!
A Honey Pot
Winnie the Pooh is a timeless character that you cannot but help fall in love with, but where would he be without his trusty honey pot? His love for honey is the fuel and cause of many of his adventures and mishaps. This is another great couples costume idea, with the significant others dressing up as the dynamic duo they were made for each other! Just dont forget to spell honey as hunny.
While the big characters are easy to spot and fun to be, the lesser know characters or objects can be just as much fun. People will appreciate the effort put into bringing a beloved character to life that does not normally get the recognition they deserve, and it can be fun to guess what exactly you are (like the rose bush). Whatever the case, have fun and take time to make your costume great.
Pixar makes hit movie after hit movie with characters that are timeless as they are loveable. One of my personal favorites is Heimlich, the giant yet innocent and kind caterpillar from A Bugs Life. His thick German accent is all too fun to recreate and your jovial spirit that exudes from you is contagious to those around you. A big plus, you can eat as much as you want while being Heimlich and you are just being part of the costume. When coming up with the materials, think big, fluffy, and green. Extra red sneakers attached to the body will represent his extra legs, and dont forget his rosy red cheeks!
Sculpted Rose Bush
How many people dress up as Johnny Depp as Edward Scissor Hands every Halloween? Hundreds? Thousands?! Booooring! Get obscure and have some fun with all those people when you dress up as one of his rose bush sculptures. Stick some scissors in the costume to get the point across, and for a big plus make it a couples costume with your boo dressing up as ESH.
The Power Loader from Alien
This costume might be seen a lot more after a picture and video of one awesome dad went viral, but its too hilarious not too include. The father made an incredibly elaborate costume for the loader, and his baby was strapped into the controlling bay which made for a great illusion. If you do not have a baby of your own, borrow a friends! Just kidding, make it so your head has a doll body and make an illusion of your own!
A Honey Pot
Winnie the Pooh is a timeless character that you cannot but help fall in love with, but where would he be without his trusty honey pot? His love for honey is the fuel and cause of many of his adventures and mishaps. This is another great couples costume idea, with the significant others dressing up as the dynamic duo they were made for each other! Just dont forget to spell honey as hunny.
While the big characters are easy to spot and fun to be, the lesser know characters or objects can be just as much fun. People will appreciate the effort put into bringing a beloved character to life that does not normally get the recognition they deserve, and it can be fun to guess what exactly you are (like the rose bush). Whatever the case, have fun and take time to make your costume great.